WA Industry Link: Support for businesses

Help to better understand the Western Australian Industry Participation Strategy (WAIPS) and how it applies to your business.
Last updated:

The WAIPS Portal is live from 1 July 2024. 

State Government agencies and local businesses can get help to implement the WAIPS through the Industry Link Advisory Service and the Local Content Advisers.

In addition, the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation runs regular WA Industry Link Regional Business Engagement Forums which provide small-to-medium sized businesses across WA with information on upcoming local contract and tender opportunities in their region. 

The Local Capability Fund also supports businesses improve their capability and competitiveness to secure government contract opportunities. 

Regional support (Local Content Advisers)

Local Content Advisers (LCAs) provide advice and referral services to businesses in regional areas. They help support regional businesses compete for State Government supply opportunities.

LCAs can help head contractors to:

  • Understand how to sell to government.
  • Help build supply chain capability and capacity.
  • Identify upcoming major contracts.
  • Identify other government supply opportunities.
  • Identify State and Federal Government financial support programs.
  • Understand your rights and responsibilities under the Western Australian Jobs Act 2017 and the Western Australian Industry Participation Strategy.

LCAs can help sub-contractors to:

  • Understand how to sell to government as a subcontractor.
  • Connect with head contractors.
  • Identify other government supply opportunities.
  • Identify State and Federal Government financial support programs. 
  • Participate in productivity and business capability activities.
  • LCAs will also raise awareness of import replacement opportunities. This is important in creating more supply opportunities for local businesses and more jobs for Western Australians.

For more information, contact your nearest Local Content Adviser:

Email: local.content@gdc.wa.gov.au 
Ph: (08) 9941 7000

Email: localcontent@gedc.wa.gov.au 
Telephone: 61 8 9080 5000

Great Southern
Email: local.content@gsdc.wa.gov.au 
Telephone: 61 8 9842 4888

Email: localcontent@kdc.wa.gov.au 
Telephone: 61 8 9194 3000

Mid West
Email: local.content@mwdc.wa.gov.au 
Telephone: 61 8 9956 8555

Email: local.content@peel.wa.gov.au 
Telephone: 61 8 9535 4140

Email: local.content@pdc.wa.gov.au  
Telephone: 1800 843 745

South West
Email: local.content@swdc.wa.gov.au 
Telephone: 61 8 9792 2000

Email: local.content@wheatbelt.wa.gov.au 
Telephone: 61 8 9622 7222


Regional Business Engagement Forums

The Regional Business Engagement forums provide businesses based in regional WA the opportunity to meet with State Government agencies and hear about current policy and initiatives targeted to support small to medium sized businesses.

Hosted by the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation, the forums include a networking session with agencies, contractors and industry groups providing an opportunity to discuss real time topics, policy updates and upcoming opportunities in their region.

Find out more and view past presentations on the Regional Business Engagement Forum page.

Local Capability Fund

The purpose of the Local Capability Fund (LCF) is to assist small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Western Australia to increase their capability, capacity and competitiveness as suppliers of products, services and works to the Western Australian Government, major projects and other important markets.

The LCF typically provides funding assistance for activities such as planning, improvements to internal infrastructure, plant and equipment and training.

For more information and to see what rounds are available in 2022-23 visit the Local Capability Fund page.