New Industries Fund: WasteSorted e-waste grants

The WasteSorted e-waste 2020–21 was a new round of WasteSorted grants, focusing on e-waste. Applications have now closed.
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About the program

The WasteSorted e-waste 2020-21 grant was a Western Australian Government initiative funded by the New Industries Fund and administered by the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation in partnership with the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation(link is external). The New Industries Fund is a $16.7 million investment over 4 years to support and accelerate new and emerging businesses.

As reliance on technology increases, e-waste is one of the fastest-growing waste streams. The global volume of e-waste has grown by 21% over the past 5 years, and in 2019 the UN estimated up to $80 billion worth of gold, silver, copper, palladium and other high-value materials were discarded annually as e-waste worldwide (The Global E-waste Monitor 2020(link is external)).

This round focused on e-waste and provided funding for:

  • Stream 1: Innovative Processes (up to $200,000 per project)
  • Stream 2: Collection - maximum $80,000 (up to $40,000 per project, per annum for 2 years).


The objectives of the e-waste round are aligned with the priorities of both the New Industries Fund and the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030.

The objectives of Stream 1 are to support:

  • the growth of the recycling industry, technologies and jobs to address the growing local need to reduce the amount of e-waste going to landfill.
  • the recovery of more value and resources from e-waste and protecting the environment by managing e-waste responsibly.

The objective of Stream 2 is to increase the volume of e-waste being recycled in Western Australia, which will support job creation in the recycling industry.


Applications have now closed for the e-waste round.

2020-21 Recipients

On 21 January 2021, Minister for Innovation and ICT, the Hon. Dave Kelly MLA, announced $1 million in funding for nine recipients in the 2020-21 WasteSorted e-waste grants.

Stream 1 will assist in creating long term innovative ways to process e-waste, while Stream 2 is for supporting the increased collection around WA.

To learn more, please read the media statement 'WA invests $1 million in initiatives to divert 1,000 tonnes of e-waste from landfill.(link is external)'


On 16 February 2022, an e-waste industry seminar was jointly hosted by the Minister for Innovation and ICT, the Hon. Stephen Dawson MLC and the Minister for Environment, the Hon. Reece Whitby MLA, which saw researchers, funded through the Stream 1: Innovative Processes grant, present their findings to industry. 

For details on their presentation, please follow the links below.  

Company Name

Project Title

Curtin University(link is external)

Mini plant recycling and metal recovery from waste printed circuit boards and integrated circuits

CSIRO(link is external)

Metal recovery from e-waste through innovative biotechnology

Epichem(link is external)

Oxidative Hydrothermal Dissolution of e-waste: Conversion to useful end products and recovering valuable and critical metals

Stream 1

Company Name

Project Title


Curtin University(link is external)

Mini plant recycling and metal recovery from waste printed circuit boards and integrated circuits


CSIRO(link is external)

Metal recovery from e-waste through innovative biotechnology


Epichem(link is external)

Oxidative Hydrothermal Dissolution of e-waste: Conversion to useful end products and recovering valuable and critical metals


Stream 2

Company Name Project Title Amount
Total Green Recycling
Pty Ltd(link is external)
Mobile Re-use and Data Destruction Centre $80,000
Karratha Skip Bin Hire Pty Ltd T/A Marlpa Waste Logistics(link is external) Marpla e-waste collection $80,000
Shire of East Pilbara (link is external) East Pilbara e-waste collection and recycling $40,000
City of Rockingham(link is external) E-waste recycling and reuse program (ERRP) - Millar Road Landfill Facility (MRLF) $80,000
Western Australian Local Government Association (WALGA)(link is external) E-waste drop off days - non metropolitan region $80,000
City of Bunbury(link is external) Permanent drop off location upgrade: e-waste $40,000
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