Access Asia Business Grants: Round 6 applications

Follow our step-by-step guide to applying for the Access Asia Business Grants for eligible businesses to advance into Asian markets
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Applications for Round 6 of the Access Asia Business Grants closed 12:00pm Monday 15 March 2024.

About this round

Grants provided through the Access Asia Business Grants (AABG) program will help local small to medium enterprises (SMEs) and organisations advance their export and trade activities and build their competitiveness in new Asian markets.

This competitive program provides grants of up to $30,000 (excluding GST) to eligible Western Australian SMEs and organisations. Recipients will need to provide a net co-cash contribution at a ratio of at least 20:80 applicant-to-State Government funding.

Projects must be in at least one of the following Diversify WA priority sectors:

  • Energy
  • Tourism, events and creative industries
  • International education
  • Defence industries
  • Mining and mining equipment, technology and services (METS)
  • Space industries
  • Health and medical life sciences
  • Primary industries

Interested parties can learn how past AABG recipients have expanded their business activities in new Asian markets by viewing our past recipient case studies:

To find out more, read the information below. 


Step 1 - check eligibility

Applicants must meet all of the following criteria to be eligible for assistance under the program. However, this does not automatically entitle applicants to assistance as the grants program is highly competitive and limited grants are available.

  • Your proposed project is targeting a new Asian market(s) for your export and trade activities.  OR
  • Your proposed project is introducing a new product or service into Asian market(s) where the business/organisation already has a market presence.
  • Your proposed project is in at least one of the eight priority sectors outlined in the State’s economic development framework Diversify WA.
  • Your business/organisation is: 
    • a SME that employs fewer than 200 people, or 
    • a not-for-profit group/industry association/business council that employs fewer than 200 people and is a legally constituted not-for-profit organisation recognised by the Department, or
    • a subsidiary that employs fewer than 200 people. (Any subsidiary applying will be required to provide information regarding its group structure and funding arrangements with its group members).
  • The program requires that the recipient is the sole beneficiary of the grant funding and is the entity making the co-contribution towards the funded AABG project.
  • Your business/organisation has been registered and headquartered in Western Australia for at least 24 months.
  • Your business/organisation holds at least one of the following:
    • a current Australian Business Number (ABN)
    • a current Australian Company Number (ACN)
    • A valid Certificate of Incorporation.
  • Your business/organisation has had operations in Western Australia for at least 24 months.
  • Your business/organisation is a legally solvent entity.
  • Your business/organisation is willing, and has the financial capacity, to contribute at least 20% of the project's eligible funding costs.
  • Your business/organisation confirms that it will utilise the AABG funds (if successful) only on eligible non-capital expenditure items as outlined in the AABG 2023-2024 Round 6 Application Guidelines.
  • Your business/organisation confirms that its service provider(s) is an independent third party i.e has no financial and direct ties with your business/organisation. (For projects that include contracting a service provider(s)).
  • Your business/organisation confirms that the proposed eligible expenditure is for services to be provided in the future.
  • Your business/organisation has NOT previously received nor is likely to receive other Western Australian State Government funding for the same project/initiative.
  • Your business/organisation has NOT previously received AABG funding for the same project/initiative.
  • The proposed project/initiative has not been previously funded under the AABG program.
  • Declare any funding received or likely to be received from Commonwealth or other State/Territory Government agencies for the same project/initiative.
  • Submit your application before the closing time of 12 noon AWST, Friday 15 March 2024.


Step 2 - how to apply

In order to be considered eligible, and to be included in the evaluation process, an application must be received via the grants online portal by 12 noon AWST, Friday 15 March 2024. Applications received after this time or requests for extension will not be considered.

Applications can me lodged via the grants online portal.

Please ensure you have received an email confirming that your application was submitted and keep this on file, for your reference.

Step 3 - completing your application

Applicants are invited to describe their project and how it aligns with the State’s economic development framework Diversify WA and Western Australia’s Asian Engagement Strategy 2019-2030 Our future with Asia.

An application must include a clear project plan that includes the proposed activities, the expected outcome of each activity and milestone timelines.

Required supporting documents:

  • ABN document or ACN document or Certificate of Incorporation.
  • Evidence that your business has been operating in Western Australia for at least 24 months.
  • Business financial or annual report.
  • Overview of business and team structure.
  • Overview of group structure and funding arrangements with group members (Applicable if applicant is a subsidiary).
  • Supporting document to reflect your business type if not evident in any of the documents that you have attached.
  • Project Budget Plan (as per the template provided).
  • Written quotations or estimate of costs for all proposed expenditure items.
  • For projects that involve third party contracting service provider(s): Written quotations and a declaration from the service provider(s) that it is an independent third party and has no financial ties and direct relationship with the applicant. The quotation must include the service provider’s name, contact person, contact details, ABN/ACN if applicable, a ‘valid until or valid before’ date, and detailed description of the service to be provided, including key activities and milestone dates.
  • For projects that involve overseas travel/accommodation: Quotations and details must be provided, in line with the eligible expenditure requirements for travel/accommodations as described in the AABG 2023-2024 Round 6 Application Guidelines
  • Other relevant documents in support of the proposed project.

For more details, please visit the Access Asia Business Grants 2024 Round 6 - Application Guidelines page.

Step 4 - assessment process

The Department will convene an evaluation panel to score and assess shortlisted applications based on the criteria, and to make recommendations for funding.

Applications will be assessed and weighted equally against the following four criteria:

  • Viability of the project.
  • The project’s alignment with Diversify WA and the Asian Engagement Strategy, particularly its potential to contribute to the diversification of the Western Australian economy and deliver job creation and economic growth for the State.
  • The project’s potential to deliver sustainable business growth into Asia.
  • Value for money.

To assist with their decision-making, the panel may seek advice from individuals with expertise in the area/s under consideration. They may also request further information from applicants if needed, to support claims against the evaluation criteria.

Panel deliberations and all related information and material are strictly confidential, subject to the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 1992.

The final approval for applicant funding lies with the Department’s Executive Director, their equivalent or delegate.

The Department’s decision is final and no further correspondence will be entered into.

Need support?

Further important information, including eligible expenditures, eligibility and evaluation criteria is available in the AABG 2023-2024 Round 6 Application Guidelines and frequently asked questions document.

If you have any queries, contact the Program Coordinator via email: