Tender Submission Feedback

Tenderers can request feedback on their tender submission after the evaluation process is completed.
Last updated:

The following information can be provided to tenderers ;

  • score of the tender against each of the qualitative criteria and the ranking of the tenderer’s score in comparison to other tenderers.
  • concise reasoning for the score.
  • where there are three or more tenderers, the range of scores.
  • where there are three or more tenderers and details have not been previously released, the names of the entities that have tendered (in alphabetical order) and the prices that were tendered (in numerical order).

Tenderers can request feedback by contacting the Finance Project Manager listed in the tender documentation. Feedback can only be provided after the evaluation process is completed.

For Expression of Interest processes, feedback can only be provided to unsuccessful tenderers after shortlisting. Shortlisted tenderers cannot be provided feedback until after completion of the subsequent Request for Tender process(es).