Vacant Property Rental Incentive Scheme

The Vacant Property Rental Incentive Scheme offers a $5,000 grant to owners of vacant residential properties in Western Australia, to transfer their property to the long-term rental market for at least 12 months to support people seeking a rental home.
Last updated:

What you need to know

Vacant property vacancy period

The property that is the subject of the application ("the property") must have been vacant for the entire period between 8 November 2023 and 7 May 2024. For the purposes of the scheme the period of 8 November 2023 to 7 May 2024 inclusive shall be referred to as the 'vacancy period'.

A vacant property

A vacant property is a property that has not been used as the owner’s principal place of residence, not used as short-term rental accommodation for financial gain and not subject to a residential tenancy anytime during the vacancy period. If your property was used as a holiday home during this period, it may still be considered vacant for the purpose of the scheme.

Am I eligible?


To be eligible, applicants must meet all the below requirements:

  • You own a single, self-contained property. This does not include ancillary dwellings (e.g. an ancillary dwelling is a small, self-contained additional dwelling unit located on the same lot as a single house, commonly referred to as a "granny flat").
  • The property must have been vacant for the entire vacancy period.
  • You enter into a residential tenancy agreement for at least 12 months, with the tenancy commencing by 6 November 2024.
  • You have an Australian bank account that payments can be made into.


You would not be eligible if any of the below are applicable to you:

  • You are not the owner of the property.
  • You are not renting out the entire property i.e. only renting out one room.
  • Your property was subject to a residential tenancy agreement anytime during the vacancy period.
  • Your property was advertised or booked as short-term rental accommodation anytime during the vacancy period (i.e. there was a financial gain for you).
  • You have received a payment under the Short-Term Rental Accommodation Incentive Scheme for the property.
  • The property was used as the owner or co-owners' principal place of residence anytime during the vacancy period.

Incentive payment

Approved property owners will receive a $5,000 one-off payment to their nominated Australian bank account once all criteria have been satisfied.

Incentive payments will be made within 10 working days of eligible applicants receiving notification that their application has been approved.

How do I apply

Applicants are encouraged to submit their application online.

To apply online you must have established a digital identity such as myGovID. A digital identity is a safe, secure and convenient way to prove who you are online to access government online services. If you can’t apply online, a manual application form is available by contacting Consumer Protection on 1300 30 40 54.

Supporting documentation

Applicants will need to provide supporting documentation to show that they meet the Vacant Property Rental Incentive Scheme criteria.

A copy of the residential tenancy agreement must be included with your application to show that the property will be rented on the long-term rental market for at least 12 months and that the tenancy started after the announcement of the Vacant Property Rental Incentive Scheme on 7 May 2024.

A copy of the rates notice for both the owner's primary residence and the applicable rental property must be provided with your application. If the owner’s primary residence is a rental, then you can provide a copy of the residential tenancy agreement. Where the applicable property is co-owned, a copy of the rates notice or rental agreement for each co-owners' primary residence is required.

Supporting documentation must also be included with your application to show that the property was vacant between 8 November 2023 and the announcement of the scheme on 7 May 2024. This must include evidence of utility usage during the vacancy period such as a copy of utility bills (electricity, gas and water, where applicable).

Residential tenancies

When entering into the residential tenancy agreement you must ensure the tenancy complies with all laws including the Residential Tenancies Act 1987 (WA) and Residential Tenancies Regulations 1989 (WA).

As a landlord it will be important for you to know your rights and responsibilities.

renting tools and checklist is available through Consumer Protection WA with publications and forms to provide you with all the information you need to help you manage your tenancy.

Renting out your property - a lessor’s guide is an easy-to-read guide and explains your rights and responsibilities as a private property owner.

Make sure you are up to date with the latest reminders, news and law updates by subscribing to the landlords bulletins.


If you have questions about the Vacant Property Rental Incentive Scheme, you can contact Consumer Protection on 1300 30 40 54 or email

Vacant Property Rental Incentive Scheme Fact Sheet

Consumer Protection’s Vacant Property Rental Incentive Scheme Fact Sheet provides more information about the scheme. Click to download the document or share with someone you know.

VPR Incentive Scheme Fact Sheet

Vacant Property Rental Incentive Scheme Terms and Conditions and Guidelines

Consumer Protection’s Vacant Property Rental Incentive Scheme Terms and Conditions and Guidelines provides more information around the eligibility requirements for the scheme. Click to download the document or share with someone you know.

VPR Incentive Scheme Terms and Conditions

VPR Incentive Scheme Guidelines

Frequently asked questions

What is the Vacant Property Rental Incentive Scheme?

The Vacant Property Rental Incentive Scheme offers a $5,000 grant to owners of vacant residential properties in Western Australia, to transfer their property to the long-term rental market for at least 12 months to support people seeking a rental home.

Can I make the application for someone else?

No, the owner of the property must make the application and complete the declaration within the application process.

What is the application closing date?

Applications must be submitted by midnight 6 November 2024.

What is considered a holiday home?

A holiday home is a property that people own for short stays, temporary retreat, or relaxation. It is owned in addition to their usual principal place of residence.  It cannot be used as an alternative residence where you simply split your time between two places. If your property was used as a holiday home without any financial gain to you during the vacancy period, it may still be considered vacant for the purpose of this scheme.

What if the tenancy is terminated before the 12-month lease ends?

If the tenancy terminates, to avoid the possibility of having to repay the monies, the property must be re-let on the long-term rental market. The total of the tenancy periods needs to still be at least 12 months, and any gaps in the tenancies must not exceed six weeks.

Can the rent be increased during the 12-month lease?

Yes, any rent increase must comply with the Residential Tenancies Act 1987 (WA) and the terms of the residential tenancy agreement.

What are the eligibility criteria for the scheme?

  • You own a single, self-contained property. This does not include ancillary dwellings (an ancillary dwelling is a small, self-contained additional dwelling unit located on the same lot as a single house, commonly referred to as a "granny flat").
  • The property was vacant for the entire period between 8 November 2023 and the announcement of the scheme on 7 May 2024.
  • You enter into a residential tenancy agreement for at least 12 months with the tenancy commencing by 6 November 2024.
  • You have an Australian bank account that payments can be made into.

Is the Vacant Property Rental Incentive Scheme payment subject to tax?

Yes, the Vacant Property Rental Incentive Scheme payments are considered to be taxable income. We recommend you seek independent professional advice on your taxation obligations.

Are there any conditions that need to be met?

Yes, applications to the Vacant Property Rental Incentive Scheme must meet the following conditions:

  • The property is located in Western Australia.
  • The applicant is an owner of the property, and where it is jointly owned, they are authorised by any other owner/s to make the application on their behalf.
  • The applicant and any co-owners do not live in the property.
  • The applicant and any co-owners are not related to any of any of the tenants (This is defined as immediate family including blood- or step-parents/grandparents/children/siblings).
  • The property must be leased to a person or persons and not a business, corporation, trustee, or organisation.
  • The residential tenancy agreement does not allow for the tenant/s to sublet or part with possession of the property.
  • Only one application can be made per property.
  • The residential tenancy complies with all laws including the Residential Tenancies Act 1987 (WA) and Residential Tenancies Regulations 1989 (WA).
  • The applicant has all necessary approvals to rent the property such as strata company approvals if required.
  • The property is leased for the full term of the tenancy agreement. If the tenancy is terminated, to ensure there is no recoup of monies required, the property must be re-let on the long-term market with a gap of no more than 6 weeks between tenancies.

If I enter into a residential tenancy agreement and the start date is in the future, when would I be eligible for the payment?

Eligible applicants are entitled to the incentive payment once the tenancy has commenced, not when the residential tenancy agreement is executed. It is a requirement that the tenant has taken up occupancy of the property to be eligible for the scheme as the 12-month tenancy extends from the occupancy date not from the date the agreement was entered into. The tenancy must commence by 6 November 2024.

I have a property in regional Western Australia, can I apply?

Yes. If you have an eligible property in any part of Western Australia, you can apply to the Vacant Property Rental Incentive Scheme.

What if the property is owned by a business, corporation, organisation or trust?

If the property is owned by a business, corporation, organisation or trust, then you will need to provide evidence that you have authority to act on behalf of the Trust or Company. This must be submitted with your application.

Do I need to have owned the property for the entire vacancy period?

Yes, you need to have owned the property for the entire vacancy period and you must be the current owner to apply. Please also see “What if I sell my property before the end of the 12-month tenancy period?” below.

What if I sell my property before the end of the 12-month tenancy period?

If you sell the property before the conclusion of the tenancy, you have not met the conditions of the grant guidelines and terms and conditions. The State may require the applicant to repay a grant paid to the applicant as per section 2.5 (f) of the terms and conditions.

How is the Vacant Property Rental Incentive Scheme payment paid?

The Vacant Property Rental Incentive Scheme payment will be made to the bank account you nominate in your application. However, payments will only be deposited in Australian bank accounts.

Where do I find information on how to manage a long-term rental?

To manage a long-term rental, read Consumer Protection’s Renting out your property - A lessor’s guide. If you have any questions, contact Consumer Protection on 1300 30 40 54 or email

Who do I contact if I have questions about the Vacant Property Rental Incentive Scheme?

If you have questions about the Vacant Property Rental Incentive Scheme, contact Consumer Protection on 1300 30 40 54 or email at