Register search

Check if a particular address is registered as STRA or if a registration number is valid.
Last updated:

You can search for a specific address to determine if that address has been registered as Short Term Rental Accommodation with the WA State Government. You will not be given contact details for the owner or manager; you will only find out if they are registered.

In addition, you can search a specific STRA registration number to find whether it is a valid, current registration number and in which suburb that property is registered. Again, you will not be given contact details for the owner or manager.

Check registration will be available from 1 July 2024

You will also be able to view a heat map of registered STRA in a particular area from October, you will not see details of specific STRA.

STRA complaints

If you wish to log a complaint, please use the following tool.

STRA information map


If you require assistance to lodge a complaint, please contact the STRA Register Team on +61 8 6251 1234.