Publications related to the MARS Program

Reports and publications about mental awareness, respect and safety in our community.
Last updated:

Below are publications that support services for victims of sexual harassment and sexual assault as well as support for perpetrators of violence to change their behaviour and for families that live in communities impacted by mining culture workplaces.


Codes of practice

The Work Health and Safety Commission has developed codes of practice which focus on different areas where psychosocial as well physical harms may be experienced in a workplace.

  • Violence and aggression at work
  • Workplace behaviour
  • Psychosocial hazards in the workplace
  • Mentally healthy workplaces for fly-in fly-out (FIFO) workers in the resources and construction sectors.

Access the Work Health and Safety Commission’s codes of practice.

Information sheets

WorkSafe Mines Safety has a range of useful information sheets to assist mine operators and individuals such as:

  • Gendered violence: Notification of sexual harassment and/or assault to WorkSafe Mines Safety
  • Gendered violence: Sexual assault
  • Gendered violence: Sexual harassment
  • Guidance for individuals when making a complaint about gendered violence
  • Sexual harassment at work

Access WorkSafe’s information sheets.

Other publications