The MARS Program has funded a range of initiatives to improve culture and respect in the mining industry, including several of Government’s Enough is Enough commitments.
Changes to the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) mean that PCBUs must now take proactive action to prevent discrimination and harm in the workplace. The Australian Human Rights Commission has the power to enforce this new positive duty that came into force in December 2023.
Visit the Australian Human Rights Commission website(link is external) for further information.
Thrive at Work
Show moreThrive at Work in Mining Masterclass series and toolkit resources
The Future of Work Institute has developed a Thrive at Work in Mining Masterclass series for the mining industry to support companies at various stages of their journey towards building a mentally healthy workplace.
The Masterclass series is for senior leaders in human resources, workforce strategy, work health and safety or wellbeing-related functions in mining. Participants will be guided through the Thrive at Work Framework to unpack how mining workplaces can support all employees to get well, stay well and be the best they can be. This includes:
- human resources workforce strategy on work safety
- well-being related functions in mining
- compilation of three (3) case studies
- capstone event at conclusion of series.
Toolkit resources have been developed to provide mining workplaces with practical tools to tackle known health and safety risks to mental health in the mining industry.
Thrive at Work in Mining Masterclass series – Community of Practice
Funded by MARS Program, the Future of Work Institute has established the inaugural Thrive at Work in Mining Community of Practice for Masterclass alumni cohort. The Community of Practice provides a safe and open forum for sharing experiences and challenges from operational implementation of learnings that extend opportunities for cross company collaboration.
Following on from the Phase 1 Masterclass series for senior leaders, the Community of Practice is building capability of mining workplaces to prevent harm and protect against psychological risks.
- Evidence-based Thrive at Work Framework
- Apply toolkits from Phase 1
- Engage Phase 2 cohort in Community of Practice.
Find out more about the Thrive at Work in Mining Masterclass series(link is external) and toolkit resources.
Australian Institute of Health and Safety (AIHS) and FIFO Focus
Show morePsychosocial risk management program
The Work Health and Safety Act 2020 places a legal obligation on employers to ensure that working environments are safe from psychosocial hazards. Funded by the MARS Program and delivered by FIFO Focus in partnership AIHS, this course will address psychosocial issues directly with mining companies in Western Australia.
The course assists participants to understand the legislation and meet the regulator’s compliance requirements, as well as develop skills to identify hazards, conduct appropriate risk assessments and establish different levels of controls to minimise psychosocial harm.
The course adopts an action learning methodology. Participants will learn through practical application of skills within their organisation, supported by an informal peer support network.
AIHS members receive 100 CPD points at the completion of this program.
Find out more about the FIFO Focus psychosocial risk management program(link is external).
Department of Communities
Show moreRespect in Mining Program
The Respect in Mining Program is built on the principles of Communities’ Respectful Relationships program. A suite of tools and resources has been developed for the mining industry to support its implementation by Curtin University’s Collaboration for Evidence, Research, and Impact in Public Health.
The program is designed to support small and medium mining organisations with a whole of organisation approach to embed gender equality policies and practices benefiting all employees.
It will increase awareness and knowledge of the:
- gendered drivers of violence;
- impact of gender inequality on women’s safety and economic security; and
- impact of gendered division in leadership and decision-making.
A supporting implementation guide provides directions on how to put the tools and resources into practice and monitor the overall shift in workplace culture to improve practice. A pilot program is being developed with a report to be released following evaluation.
More information about the Respect in Mining Program.