Training and development

Training and development opportunities for mine workers, managers and supervisors.
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MARS Program initiatives include training and professional development programs that help to build a culture of respect and embed healthy, safe, gender-equitable and inclusive practices in the mining industry.

The Slip – Safety Moments

After the successful WA regional tour of The Slip: What good looks like(link is external), three short videos will be released as Safety Moments – tools to create safety conversations.

Episodes will be released weekly:

These short videos include clips from the performances to use as Safety Moments, toolbox talks, or just meeting starters. They have some suggested questions to get your team's conversations going, but we encourage you to create your own questions.

Acting Consulting Training Australia and New Zealand(link is external), supported by the MARS Program has developed these tools. 

Thriving in Mining

Delivered by This Working Life, Thriving in Mining provides training and resources designed for mining frontline managers and supervisors to increase knowledge and capability to manage psychosocial risks and implement workplace mental health and wellbeing strategies.

Training and resources include a series of online microlessons and face-to-face training workshops aimed at building respectful workplace culture and support for mental health and wellbeing for all workers in the WA mining industry. Modules cover mental health, respect, alcohol, and legal and moral responsibilities in the workplace. The modules are designed to enable participants to embed concepts into workplace practice.


Available on the Thriving in Mining website, over 50 free microlessons are designed for busy mining life, using a short, engaging format for each lesson that increases knowledge and awareness about key issues relevant to mental health and wellbeing, respect and other associated topics. The microlessons can be used by individuals, or those wanting to add value on-site such as at pre-start meetings and toolbox sessions.

Train the Trainer and Mentoring Program

Facilitated by Thriving in Mining, the Train the Trainer and Mentoring Program develops skills and practice in:

  • understanding mental health and wellbeing, including risks within the workplace.
  • building a culture of trust and psychological safety within work teams.
  • facilitating group communication and effective feedback.
  • using the Thriving in Mining micro-lessons designed for use on site at pre-starts and toolbox sessions.
  • Twelve months of free online mentoring for participants and a Thriving in Mining Leaders Handbook resource.

Find out more about the Thriving in Mining and training programs(link is external)

FIFO Focus, AIHS and WHS Foundation

Trauma informed investigations training

A consortium between FIFO Focus, WHS Foundation and AIHS this two-level four-day accredited specialist training program has been designed to develop internal capability to support change in WA mining sector and improve the quality and experience of those affected by sexual harassment incidents in the WA mining sector.

The program, subsidised by MARS Program, will upskill participants in providing person-centred, initial support when responding to, investigating and/or managing incidents of sexual harassment using a trauma-informed lens to reduce the risk of re-traumatisation and causing further harm.

  • First 2 days of the program = Level 1: Do No Harm: Support and Trauma Informed Considerations
  • Last 2 days of the program = Level 2: Natural Justice: Reporting, Investigation & Dealing with Authorities

Find out more about the FIFO Focus specialist trauma training(link is external)

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