Aboriginal Business Pavilion: Artist story

Learn about the artists, the inspiration and the story behind the AOG 2024 Aboriginal Business Pavilion artwork.
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AOG 2024 Aboriginal Business Pavilion Artwork

“The Future of Renewable Energy” envisions a world where modern technology co-exists harmoniously with Noongar culture.” – Nani Creative

AOG 2024’s Aboriginal Business Pavilion will feature “The Future of Renewable Energy”, an original artwork concept by First Nations artists Buffie Punch and Dana Garlett and Aboriginal-led creative agency Nani Creative.

The piece uses Aboriginal symbolism and cultural values to emphasise the balance between tradition and innovation in creating a sustainable future for all.

Stylised imagery in “The Future of Renewable Energy” is representative of the foundational components for a sustainable future in WA. 

Wind turbines represent the harmonious integration of renewable energy with the land, reflecting the enduring connection of the Noongar people to their country.



The Noongar gathering around the sun highlights the sun’s power as an energy source. It is likened to a fire that warms the Noongar community during a gathering, where wisdom and traditional values are passed down, contributing to the shaping of a sustainable future.



Rocks and circular elements symbolise critical minerals and gas. They stand as a reminder of the significance of responsible resource management and utilisation, fundamental stepping stones for a sustainable tomorrow.



Buffie Punch 

Buffie is an Aboriginal Woman of the Noongar Nation, born in Albany, Western Australia. Much of her work is greatly influenced by family, cultural connections, and her spirituality and relationships. she creates artworks by taking inspiration from her client and what she sees and feels around her through her spirituality and connection to her culture.

Dana Garlett

Dana lives and works on her birth country, Whadjuk boodjar where she draws her inspiration and strength from. In her work, one can see her passion for connecting and sharing her knowledge with others. Her connections and exposure to the cultural diversity that we have in Australia motivates her to create quality works that leaves a lasting impression.

Nani Creative 

Nani Creative is an Aboriginal-led Western Australian creative agency that works with First Nations artists and communities. Backed by community consultation, each project is culturally authentic, creative and delivered at the highest quality. 

Visit Nani Creative's website here.