Our purpose
The department is responsible for the sustainable management and protection of Western Australia’s water and the environment through the delivery of environment and water regulatory functions and the implementation of the Government’s policies and programs.
Who we work with
The department’s activities benefit all Western Australians. We work and collaborate with a wide range of clients and stakeholders, including proponents and licence/permit holders, community groups and individuals, commonwealth, state and local government agencies, non-government organisations and industry.
Working together
Our customer service charter guides the department’s relationship with you. We aim to foster positive and mutually respectful and collaborative relationships consistent with Our Values.
We will achieve this and help you by:
- providing you with the most accurate, up to date information available
- answering your questions as clearly as possible in a respectful way
- consulting widely when developing policy and plans to make sure that the views of our stakeholders are considered
- providing reasonable time for receiving comments on proposals
- ensuring our actions are fair and transparent, completed within specified time frames and take situation specific needs into consideration
- at your request, providing you with regular updates on the progress of applications and ongoing compliant investigations
- aiming to meet our target time frames for regulatory assessments and determinations
- listening to you and treating you with dignity and respect.
You can help us to provide you with the best possible service by:
- providing us with accurate and applicable information so we can respond appropriately; keeping your contact information up to date, if you hold a licence or permit issued by the department:
- behaving with courtesy and respect
- respecting the rights of others
- respecting due process and assessment time frames
- providing us with honest and constructive feedback.
Our time frames
The department is committed to provide a high level of service to everyone we work with.
We aim to:
- respond to telephone messages and acknowledge receipt of emails by close of business on the same or following business day
- reply to general correspondence within 10 business days of receipt
- respond to general complaints within 10 business days
- acknowledge and rectify our errors
We value your feedback(link is external) and would like to hear from you.
Your feedback assists us to continually improve through identifying strengths and weaknesses and by generating ideas for service improvements.