Used Car Safety Ratings (UCSRs) are determined through the analysis the latest real-world statistics of more than 9 million vehicles involved in police-reported road crashes across Australia and New Zealand.
The safety ratings in this publication focus on used vehicles. The ratings provide an indication of the relative risk of death or serious injury to the driver of the vehicle in a crash compared with other vehicles on the road.
“A driver of the worst vehicle rated is over eight times more likely to be killed or seriously injured in the same crash than the same driver in the safest vehicle.”
Professor Stuart Newstead, Monash University Accident Research Centre (MUARC)
There are many safe, and affordable, used vehicles to choose from with the ability to significantly reduce your chance of being killed or seriously injured in a crash, or help avoid a crash altogether.
When buying a vehicle, safety should be the priority, and this guide is here to help.