Treasury’s inaugural Aboriginal Empowerment Strategy (TAES) is Treasury’s commitment to embed the Western Australian Aboriginal Empowerment Strategy and Closing the Gap Priority Reforms into our processes and systems. It represents a fundamental shift in the way Treasury has traditionally worked and strives to ensure that decisions made about Aboriginal people are made with Aboriginal people.
We would like to acknowledge Kathleen Musulin, a proud Malgana Yawuru women from the Gascoyne region who works as an analyst within our Aboriginal Affairs Coordination Unit who developed the incredible design within the TAES and co-authored the document. The design represents the key principles within the document and depicts the journey Treasury is on walking alongside Aboriginal people from across the State, listening and building empowering relationships that lead to better outcomes for Aboriginal people.
As a central government agency responsible for financial and economic policy, which impacts Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, the TAES is our commitment to leading and ensuring the following key principles of the WA Aboriginal Empowerment Strategy are embedded within our business:
- Culture at the heart
- Walking together
- Investing in foundations and futures
- Building aboriginal empowerment into how we work.
The TAES outlines priority actions under each of the above principles that Treasury will commit to embedding over the course of the year. The TAES complements the Treasury Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan, and the implementation of actions under both these documents aims to achieve transformative change to results in better outcomes for Aboriginal people.