Supplier Wage Audit Model Clause

This guideline provides model clauses for ensuring that government suppliers’ employment information can be audited.
Last updated:

The Supplier Wage Audit (SWA) unit of the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DEMIRS) proactively monitors and audits the compliance of Government suppliers with employment obligations under applicable industrial laws and instruments and enhances sector-wide capability in assessing compliance with employment obligations.

State Agencies are required to insert clauses in contract documentation to ensure SWA has the authority to audit government suppliers.

The Department of Finance (Finance) has published a Supplier Wage Audit Model Clause guideline to assist State Agencies with implementing these requirements within agency - specific procurement templates (such as for works procurements). Please note that for goods and services and community services procurements, these clauses were added to the procurement templates managed by Finance in November 2022.

For more information about the SWA, including other model clauses published by DEMIRS for use in supplier contracts go to Supplier wage audit - Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety.

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