Suitability Lists and Shared Appointment Pools - RAMS User Guide

For public sector agencies to manage Suitability Lists and Shared Appointment Pools
Last updated:

This user guide covers the following:

  • Advertising intent to have a Suitability List - For agencies that want to advertise a position and create a Suitability List to share with other agencies.
  • Accessing a Suitability List - For agencies who want to search existing Suitability Lists to determine if suitable applicants are already available.
  • Advertising a Shared Appointment Pool - For agencies that want to advertise a Shared Pool. The lead agency controls the process through RAMS. All agencies work together to manage the process.
  • Appointing applicants from a Shared Appointment Pool - For collaborative agencies who are in a Shared Appointment Pool that wish to appoint a successful Shared Appointment Pool applicant to a position.
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