State Planning Policy 5.2 - Telecommunications infrastructure

Using a set of land use planning policy measures, the policy intends to provide clear guidance pertaining to the siting, location and design of telecommunications infrastructure.
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Adequate and reliable telecommunications are essential for all aspects of contemporary community life, from supporting the State’s economy to creating and maintaining connected and cohesive social networks. Contact between emergency services and the community increasingly relies on the telecommunications networks.

This planning policy aims to balance the need for effective telecommunications services and effective roll-out of networks, with the community interest in protecting the visual character of local areas. 

The objectives of this policy are to:

  • facilitate the provision of telecommunications infrastructure in an efficient and environmentally responsible manner to meet community needs
  • manage the environmental, cultural heritage, visual and social impacts of telecommunications infrastructure
  • ensure that telecommunications infrastructure is included in relevant planning processes as essential infrastructure for business, personal and emergency reasons
  • promote a consistent approach in the preparation, assessment and determination of planning decisions for telecommunications infrastructure.

This policy applies throughout Western Australia in respect to above and below ground telecommunications infrastructure other than those facilities exempted under the Commonwealth Telecommunications Act 1997 (Telecommunications Act). The Telecommunications Act sets out the obligations on landowners and developers to provide fibre-ready telecommunications infrastructure. 

A fact sheet has been developed providing an overview of these requirements or for further information visit

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