State Planning Policy 2.9 - Water resources

This policy is directly related to the overarching sector policy SPP 2 Environment and Natural Resources policy and provides clarification and additional guidance to planning decision-makers for consideration of water resources in land use planning strategy.
Last updated:

Water policies review

The WAPC, has reviewed the State’s water planning policy framework and released Draft State Planning Policy 2.9 Planning for Water (SPP 2.9) and Planning for Water Guidelines for public comment at the end of 2021. The public comment period has now concluded.

Draft SPP 2.9 and Guidelines will help streamline and simplify the current planning framework to deliver greater clarity around how water-related provisions are implemented.

Submissions received during the public consultation period are currently being reviewed and may inform changes to SPP2.9 and the Guidelines prior to being gazetted. 

Once gazetted, it is intended that SPP 2.9 and Guidelines will replace water-related policies including State Planning Policy 2.9 Water Resources.

The objectives of this policy are to:

  • protect, conserve and enhance water resources that are identified as having significant economic, social, cultural and/or environmental values
  • assist in ensuring the availability of suitable water resources to maintain essential requirements for human and all other biological life with attention to maintaining or improving the quality and quantity of water resources
  • promote and assist in the management and sustainable use of water resources.

State planning policies

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