State Hazard Plan – HAZMAT

State Hazard Plan outlining the arrangements for managing a HAZMAT emergency in Western Australia.
Last updated:

The State Hazard Plan - HAZMAT (the Plan) provides an overview of arrangements for the management of the actual or impending release or escape of a chemical, radiological or other substance that is capable of causing loss of life, injury to a person, or damage to the health of a person or the environment in Western Australia (WA). The Plan contains information on prevention, preparedness, response and initial recovery.

For the purposes of this Plan, the term HAZMAT emergencies is used to encompass emergencies arising from the release or escape of a chemical, radiological or other substance that requires a significant and coordinated response.

The Plan refers to a range of existing acts, regulations, plans and documents relating to HAZMAT emergencies but does not duplicate the information contained in these, instead providing directions to websites or other sources where further information can be obtained if required.

The Fire and Emergency Services (FES) Commissioner is the HMA for the actual or impending spillage, release or escape of a chemical, radiological or other substance that is capable of causing loss of life, injury to a person or damage to the health of a person, property or the environment. The State Emergency Management Committee (SEMC) has delegated responsibility for the development, maintenance, review and exercising of the Plan to the FES Commissioner in accordance with the Emergency Management Act 2005 (EM Act).