Science engagement

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The Western Australian Government, through the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation, supports and facilitates a range of science engagement initiatives.
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Scientists and research institutions that receive funding undertake science engagement as one of their activities.

STEM engagement sponsorship

The Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation (JTSI) provides targeted sponsorship from time to time to assist organisations to deliver an event or activity that engages Western Australians in science, technology, engineering and/or maths (STEM).

Sponsorship proposals and enquiries can be submitted to

Science ambassadors

We encourage outstanding science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) professionals to be WA science ambassadors, inspiring and engaging others with STEM.

Ambassadors include Premier’s Science Award winners who have been recognised as WA's top STEM researchers, educators and communicators.

The Chief Scientist of Western Australia, Professor Peter Klinken AC, and Nobel Laureates Professor Barry Marshall AC and Dr Robin Warren AC also act as ambassadors for WA science and undertake a variety of science engagement activities as part of their roles.

Visit the Chief Scientist of WA page for more information on Professor Klinken's activities. 

To learn more about our Ambassadors or to engage them for your initiative or event, visit the WA Science Ambassadors Directory.


A not-for-profit organisation whose mission is to increase awareness, interest, capability and participation by all Western Australians in STEM.

The WA Government has supported Scitech to the value of $156.530 million since its establishment in 1988. This figure includes funds of $25.8 million for 2018-21.

The WA Government currently funds approximately 50% of Scitech’s operations. Scitech reaches over 500,000 people annually and is one of the most respected and loved institutions in WA. The Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation manages the WA Government’s investment in Scitech.

For more information, visit the Scitech website.

National Science Week

Australia's largest annual celebration of science and technology.

The WA Government supports National Science Week in Western Australia in a number of ways, including through Scitech, which leads coordination of the initiative in the state.

For more information about the initiative at a national level, visit the National Science Week website, and for information about National Science Week in Western Australia, visit Inspiring WA.

Particle: Science news WA

Delivers creative and engaging digital science content and news through multiple social media channels.

Particle is managed by Scitech and communicates and promotes Western Australian science to the wider community and the world.

Particle was launched in February 2017 and replaced Scitech’s original science news publication ScienceNetwork WA.

For more information, visit the Particle website.

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