Project 34(VIII) - Protection and remuneration of trustees

Independent report
Commenced: 1972; Withdrawn: 1995
Last updated:

From the outset, this part of the broader reference was given a lower priority than other parts of the reference where urgent reform was required. However, when it came to be considered in more detail, an issue arose as to whether the subject matter of this part of the reference required a full report.

Terms of Reference

The Commission was asked to consider and report on the law relating to the protection and remuneration of trustees. This reference was part of a general reference to review the law of trusts and the administration of estates given to the Committee in 1972 and adopted by the Commission upon its inception.


During 1995, Mr Peter Creighton, a member of the Commission and a specialist in the law of trusts, carried out a review of the issues involved in this aspect of the reference and confirmed the Commission’s earlier view that the subject did not warrant further inquiry. In December 1995, the Commission reviewed the project on protection and remuneration of trustees in light of its decision to restructure its operations and determined that no further work was to be done on the project. The reference was subsequently withdrawn.

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