Project 104 - Enhancing Family and Domestic Violence Laws

Independent report
Commenced: 2013; Completed: 2014
Last updated:

The Commission is to report on specific areas of family and domestic violence legislation as set out below in the Terms of Reference.

Terms of Reference

That the Law Reform Commission of Western Australia:

  • Investigate and consider the benefits (or otherwise) of having separate family and domestic violence legislation including the outcomes and effectiveness of separate legislation;
  • Provide advice on the utility and legal consequences of separating family and domestic violence restraining orders from the Restraining Orders Act 1997; and
  • Provide advice on the provisions which should be included in family and domestic violence legislation if it were to be developed (whether in a separate Act or otherwise).

And report on the adequacy thereof and on any desirable changes to the existing law of Western Australia and the practices in relation thereto.


Report delivered.

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