Planning Position Statement - Workforce accommodation

The fundamental purpose of the position statement is to ensure that where practicable, workforce accommodation should be provided in established towns, in locations suitable to its context, to facilitate their ongoing sustainability.
Last updated:

This Position Statement aims to:

  • outline the development requirements for workforce accommodation under the Planning and Development Act 2005 and associated regulation, and;
  • provide guidance to local governments on the role of the local planning framework in the planning and development of workforce accommodation.

Planning and development of workforce accommodation should be consistent with local planning strategies and schemes, except where the Mining Act 1978 and State Agreement Acts prevail.

This Position Statement includes reference to the various planning instruments and examples of how these may work to control workforce accommodation.  It also outlines how the Planning and Development Act 2005 gives power to the Western Australian Planning Commission and local governments to prepare a variety of planning instruments that may establish a regime of development control.  This includes reference to the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 definition of workforce accommodation.

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