Short term rental accommodation

The State Government has progressed initiatives to better manage the sector via changes to the planning system, the introduction of a short-term rental accommodation register as well as an incentive scheme to encourage conversion of short-term rentals into the long-term market.
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In response the 2019 Parliamentary inquiry Levelling the Playing Field: Managing the impact of the rapid increase of short-term rentals in Western Australia the State Government has committed to various initiatives to deliver better regulation of the short-term rental accommodation sector, including the:

  • release of a planning position statement for tourism and short term rental accommodation,; and
  • launch of a registration scheme for short-term rental accommodation providers.

The position statement and registration scheme will provide for improved regulation, support residents living in tourist communities, and help create greater uniformity in how the short-term rental accommodation sector is managed throughout Western Australia.

The draft Position Statement: Planning for Tourism was advertised for public consultation between December 2021 and March 2022. Feedback was also sought on the proposals for a state-wide registration scheme.

The Western Australian Planning Commission has now released its final Position Statement: Planning for Tourism and Short-Term Rental Accommodation (the Position Statement), which includes recommendations to better regulate short-term rental accommodation as a land use in the state planning system. The Position Statement is complemented by Planning for Tourism and Short-Term Rental Accommodation Guidelines

LPS Regulations Amendments – Consultation

To support implementation of the Position Statement, proposed amendments to the Planning and Development (Local Planning Scheme) Regulations 2015 aim to implement the following reforms announced in November 2023:

  • New and revised definitions to ensure short-term rental accommodation is considered a dedicated land use class in planning schemes;
  • A state-wide exemption for ‘hosted’ short-term rental accommodation; and
  • A 90-night (cumulative) exemption for ‘un-hosted’ short-term rental accommodation within the Perth metropolitan area.

From 2 April to 10 May 2024, WA local government authorities and the WA Local Government Association were consulted and invited to provide feedback on the proposed regulations. Online booking platforms as well as key tourism and other STRA industry groups were informed of the proposed changes.

The amended regulations are anticipated to come into effect later in 2024. Local government authorities and key stakeholders will receive further information regarding the implementation of the new regulations.

New Short Term Rental Accommodation Website

For further information on the  short-term rental accommodation regulation and initiatives, including the Registration Scheme and government incentive scheme, please see the State Government’s new dedicated website, which includes additional resources explaining the proposed changes along with next steps. This new website will be updated with the latest information and resources.

Visit the Short Term Rental Accommodation website

For any questions related to the Position Statement or changes to the planning system, please email

Queries about the STRA Register or the incentive scheme should be directed to Consumer Protection WA at


For further information on the following matters, please contact the relevant agency as per below:
STRA Register and Incentive Scheme:
DMIRS (Consumer Protection)

Tourism and STRA Position Statement & Guidelines:
DPLH - Tourism Policy Team

Local Planning Strategies, Schemes and Policies:
DPLH - Land Use Planning Team