The amendment is shown on Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) plan number 3.2784 and is effective from the date of publication of this notice in the Government Gazette.
Pursuant to section 126(3) of the Planning and Development Act 2005, the WAPC has the option of concurrently rezoning land that is being zoned Urban under the MRS, to a “Development” zone (or similar), in the corresponding Local Planning Scheme.
The WAPC agreed to the land being zoned Urban within MRS Amendment 1390/57 being transferred to the Residential Development zone in the City of Swan Local Planning Scheme No. 17. This amendment to Local Planning Scheme No. 17 is effective from 27 January 2023 the date of publication of the notice in the Government Gazette.
Copies of the amendment and the accompanying report on submissions are available for public inspection from Friday, 27 January 2023 to Friday, 24 February 2023 at:
- Western Australian Planning Commission, 140 William Street, Perth
- J S Battye Library, Level 3 Alexander Library Building, Perth Cultural Centre
- City of Swan
Submissions closed Friday 8 April 2022.
More information
Please direct queries for more information on the MRS Amendment to the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage by email to sends email) or telephone (08) 6551 9000.