Management of Accrued Leave in the Public Sector

This Policy Statement applies to all Departments and Organisations as defined under the Public Sector Management Act 1994 (WA) and their employees. It also has application to the Western Australian Police Force.
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This Policy Statement applies to all Departments and Organisations as defined under the Public Sector Management Act 1994 (WA) and their employees. It also has application to the Western Australian Police Force.


To support all public sector employees (including senior officers) in taking their accrued leave entitlements within a reasonable time, and to assist in managing the State’s leave liability.


The State Government is committed to ensuring healthy and productive workplaces across the public sector. This extends to ensuring its employees can access regular periods of leave for rest and recreation. Currently, excessive levels of accrued leave have resulted in a significant financial liability. It is vital that all public sector employers and their employees participate in reducing this collective burden.


Cabinet requires public sector employers to implement leave management strategies that ensure:

  • employees do not have an annual leave balance that exceeds two accrued entitlements; and
  • each entitlement to long service leave is taken within two years of being accrued. 

Employers must consider requirements under legislation, awards and industrial agreements in the development and implementation of leave management strategies. This Policy Statement does not prevent employers from adopting lower leave limits than those directed by Cabinet.

Advice and Support

Public sector employers may face different challenges in achieving Cabinet’s directive. 

Public Sector Labour Relations (PSLR) will support employers in both understanding their industrial relations obligations and sharing strategies that foster a workplace culture of employees taking regular leave.

Monitoring and Evaluation

The annual and long service leave liability of each Department and Organisation will be provided to Cabinet every six months. It is intended that this data will be published. 

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