Local Recovery Guideline and Resources

Local Recovery Guideline aims to assist local governments and communities prepare a Local Recovery Plan and manage the recovery process.
Last updated:

This guideline has been developed to assist local governments and communities:

  1. prepare a Local Recovery Plan that:
    1. empowers the community
    2. is a dynamic working document
    3. reflects the individuality of the community.
  2. manage the recovery process once it has commenced.

To support and guide local governments plan for and manage local recovery, a number of resources are provided:

  • Local Recovery Plan template
  • Local Operational Recovery Plan template
  • Local Recovery Coordinator Profile and Checklist
  • Local Recovery Coordination Group Profile and Checklist

As of 15 July 2024, the local recovery planning resources were redesigned to increase accessibility of the documents. Please note the State Recovery Team initiated a comprehensive review process in 2024 to further review this guideline as more substantial amendments were required to meet the current recovery needs.  Local governments do not need to amend their current plans to match these documents.