Land Forces 2024: Quad chart for Defence Science Centre

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Meet Defence Science Centre, Defence research and development centre attending Land Forces 2024
Last updated:

The Defence Science Centre is the Western Australian contribution to the Australian Defence Science and Universities Network (ADSUN).  This network supports the national Defence enterprise through collaboration with state university researchers, industry, the Defence Science and Technology Group, and Defence end-users. This facilitates engagement of Australia's best research and development capabilities with real-world challenges in support of the Defence mission; to defend Australia and its national interests.

The Defence Science Centre provides value to Defence and defence-industry by:

  • Highlighting the local research capability to Defence
  • Facilitating collaboration on defence-relevant needs
  • Identifying opportunities for research and technology development
  • Advocating on Defence priorities, capabilities, needs and gaps
  • Promoting and showcasing Western Australian defence research and innovation
  • Cultivating relationships and linkages between universities, industry and Defence 

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