Gender Equality in Procurement

Including a gender equality disclosure clause in certain procurement documents and practical advice to State agencies and suppliers about the disclosure clause.
Last updated:

As outlined in Stronger Together: WA’s Plan for Gender Equality, the Western Australian Government is committed to raising awareness of the importance and benefits of gender equality, including through procurement practices. This aligns with the Western Australian Social Procurement Framework, of which one of the key objectives is to provide opportunities for gender equality.

In support of these objectives, the Department of Finance (Finance) and the Department of Communities have worked collaboratively to promote gender equality principles and practices in government procurement activities.

One key outcome of this work is General Procurement Direction 2024/02 Gender Equality in Procurement - Disclosure Clause, which mandates State agencies to include a gender equality disclosure clause in all goods, services, works and community services approach to market documents for procurements with an estimated contract value of $250,000 and above. The Direction seeks to increase awareness and understanding of supplier legislative obligations relating to gender equality.

The gender equality disclosure clause was added to the relevant procurement request templates managed by Finance from 1 July 2024.

For State agency and supplier guidance on the disclosure clause, refer to the Gender Equality in Procurement Guideline document below.

To view the gender equality disclosure clause, refer to the Gender Equality in Procurement – Disclosure Clause document below.