Foundation Skills Policy Review

Research and analysis
The Department of Training and Workforce Development conducted a review to identify foundation skills policy settings and supports required by Western Australians to achieve their vocational education and training goals.
Last updated:

Foundation skills are core skills needed to thrive in work and life - English language, literacy, numeracy, digital skills, and skills required for the workplace such as teamwork, innovation, and problem solving.

The Department of Training and Workforce Development (DTWD) conducted a review to identify foundation skills policy settings and supports required by Western Australians to achieve their vocational education and training goals.

The Foundation Skills Policy Review (the Review) was completed in March 2023 and contains six recommendations to guide Western Australia’s foundation skills policy. 

During the review, consultations, interviews and focus groups were held with a range of stakeholders in the skills sector including TAFE colleges, private registered training organisations (RTOs), students, the Training Accreditation Council (TAC) and representatives from Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments.

The report is now available via the link below.
