Environmental regulation reform - Discussion paper

Research and analysis
This paper identifies the changes necessary to bring the third stage of the Environmental Protection Amendment Act provisions into force by the end of 2023.
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The passing of the Environmental Protection Amendment Act 2020 (EP Amendment Act) in November 2020 resulted in the most significant reform of Western Australia’s environmental legislation in 30 years.

The amendments improve regulatory efficiency and effectiveness and facilitate the implementation of the bilateral agreements under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 to deliver better environmental protection and sustainable development outcomes.

The amendments are being implemented in stages. Provisions for compliance and enforcement started in February 2021, while changes to environmental impact assessment and the clearing provisions started in October 2021.

The third stage to be proclaimed includes the regulation of emissions and discharges under Part V Division 3 of the Environmental Protection Act.

This paper identifies the changes necessary to bring the third stage of the EP Amendment Act provisions into force by the end of 2023, along with opportunities for reforming change that can be implemented in the future. It foreshadows and seeks stakeholder views on further improvements that could be implemented through a program of regulatory reform that would extend beyond 2023.

For more information go to Amendments to the Environmental Protection Act 1986.

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