Driving Change Road Safety Action Plan 2021-2023

The Road Safety Action Plan 2021-2023
Last updated:

This action plan identifies specific actions and responsibilities required to achieve success. This includes engineers building better roads, vehicle designers making safer cars, health professionals providing ongoing post-crash care, greater recognition across the private and public sectors that vehicles can be a workplace, and individuals making informed and careful choices to improve their chances of arriving safely at their destination.

Some road users are more vulnerable than others, and people will always make mistakes, but mistakes that result in a crash should not result in death or serious injury. 

This Road Safety Action Plan 2021-23, which has a strong focus on regional road safety through significant investment in building safer roads and regional enforcement, enhanced by innovation in trialling safety camera technology, outlines a way forward to accomplish what the Driving Change, the Road Safety Strategy for Western Australia 2020-2030, sets out to achieve.

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