Digital industries: acceleration strategy

Corporate report
WA: Digitally Evolved is the strategy to accelerate the uptake of digital technologies and the digital sector
Last updated:


This Strategy envisions a Western Australia that has thriving businesses and industries that are digitally secure, enabled and empowered.  By accelerating the digital transformation and uplift of Western Australian businesses and industries we will drive economic growth and diversification.

WA: Digitally Evolved outlines our objectives, goals and actions. 5 priority action areas have been identified where the WA Government can work in partnership with industry to deliver this vision for the State.


Digital economy

Western Australia’s approach to the digital economy is based on three pillars: 

Digital government

Access to digital infrastructure supported by appropriate data and digital governance underpins the digital economy and is primarily the responsibility of Government. The Digital Strategy for the Western Australian Government 2021-2025 was developed with the aim of changing the way the community and government interact. It puts Western Australian people, businesses and communities at its centre and sets the vision for a government that provides convenient and secure online services informed by quality data insights. 

Digital society

The Digital Inclusion in Western Australia Blueprint outlines a comprehensive strategy to ensure that all citizens have equal access to digital technologies and the skills needed to fully participate in the digital economy and society. It reflects the Western Australian Government’s commitment to ensuring all citizens can benefit from the digital age, regardless of their background or circumstances. By addressing barriers to digital inclusion and empowering individuals with skills and resources, the government seeks to create a more equitable and prosperous society for all Western Australians. 

Digital industries acceleration

The third pillar, or missing link, is a strategy focused on digital uplift of business and industry. WA: Digitally Evolved has been developed to address this gap, supporting the growth of the local digital sector and the adoption of digital technologies across the State economy.

Enabling government objectives

A productive, growing economy will ensure ongoing prosperity and is the key to positive social impacts. With the right enabling environment, a strong and diverse economy underpins the creation of well-paid jobs, better living standards and improved social outcomes across the State. 

In addition, digital technologies support Government objectives by accelerating the spread of information across social and geographical divides and facilitating the provision of more equitable services to citizens in remote and regional areas.

Enablers include: 

  • Digital society
  • Digital government
  • Digital skills and workforce
  • Digital connectivity and infrastructure
  • Science, technology and innovation

Building on our strengths

Western Australia is renowned for its natural resources and enviable lifestyle, but there are a range of other reasons we are a great place to do business.

  • Strategic connectivity
  • Business environment and global reach
  • Energy
  • High performance computing capability and radio astronomy 
  • Leading remote operations capability 
  • Cybersecurity

Supporting our digital evolution

The Western Australian Government has a proud history of providing infrastructure and incentives to support the development of business and industry in the State. At this time of unprecedented change, it is essential that we provide the physical and policy frameworks to deliver the economic growth and stable jobs that are essential for our way of life.

Our actions under this strategy are focused on 5 priority areas: 

Priority area 1: Advocacy and education 

Building awareness of the importance of digital transformation and the capability of businesses to use digital technologies and data. 

Priority area 2: Advisory and technical support  

Providing access to guidance and support to businesses. 

Priority area 3: Finance and supply opportunities  

Improving access to government supply contracts and assisting businesses to overcome the barrier of technology cost. 

Priority area 4: Data and digital facility sharing  

Facilitating responsible sharing of data and providing common-user access to digital infrastructure and piloting facilities. 

Priority area 5: Opportunity facilitation  

Propelling businesses to take advantage of opportunities and promote the capabilities of Western Australia to the world. 


Measuring success

A robust framework for measuring success at various time horizons will enable 

  • continuous improvement
  • provide transparency and accountability around the actions developed to support this strategy.
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