Funding recipients
Eight applicants were awarded funding through the Digital and Technology Skills Program:
City of Belmont
$21,896 for ‘Film It!!’
Use filmmaking to create interest and participation in STEM among culturally and linguistically diverse, Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders and low SES youth (13-21 years).
City of Bunbury
$30,000 for the Bunbury Library Makerspace
Increase skills and awareness in science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics through fun and engaging events, and a regional STEAM network in the City of Bunbury.
Fire Tech Camp Australia Pty Ltd
$147,007 for the Wirrpanda STEM Indigenous Program
Spark interest and engagement with digital and technology literacy among Aboriginal teenagers in Port Hedland and Perth through boot camps and after-school programs.
Peel Bright Minds
$49,197 for the Peel Bright Minds Program
Increase regional teachers’ capabilities in digital and technology education through a supportive teachers’ network, and promote STEM careers to young people via industry tours to innovative local businesses.
Shire of Murray
$30,000 for Murray STEM Futures
Provide out-of-school-hours opportunities for young people, particuluary girls, and others in the community to increase their digital and technology skills through a series of free workshops and coding and robotics kits in the Shire of Murray.
$210,000 for She Codes
Support and encourage digital and technological entrepreneurship among women by combining networking opportunities, and one-week intensive and 6-month coding courses in regional WA and Perth.
Winyama Pty Ltd
$70,000 for the Indigenous Mapping Workshop
Increase digital and technology skills in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in regional WA through digital mapping technology training and providing insight into geospatial technology as a career pathway.
Women in Technology WA
$179,900 for the Techtrails [tech+] Future Skills Program
Expand the delivery of the Techtrails [tech+] Future Skills Program to remote, regional and outer metropolitan schools, encouraging secondary students, especially girls, to participate in STEM and make innovative career choices. A Mobile Virtual Reality unit will also be used to further engage students in this program.
The program is administered by the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation and funded under the Western Australia’s State STEM skills strategy
Applications are closed for the Digital and Technology Skills program and all funding has been allocated. For more information about targeted sponsorships for STEM engagement visit the Science Engagement webpage.