Kaya Wandju
It is always a pleasure to acknowledge the hard work and commitment of DMIRS staff. Once again we have achieved a lot during the year – a time when Western Australia faced considerable uncertainty and a difficult business environment. 2021-22 was a year that tested our resilience, yet we proved that we could work collaboratively and think innovatively to continue delivering our services.
Our Annual Report for 2021-22 is a way we can recognise and celebrate these achievements.
We discussed our biggest challenges and came up with a plan to ensure our regulatory settings met the contemporary challenges facing Western Australia. We worked towards modernising laws that support investment, promote safety and protect workers in the State. We engaged at national levels to ensure national standards and Australia-wide programs enhanced our State, protecting consumers and businesses.
I encourage you to read our report and learn more about the wide variety of work we do across the department.
Richard Sellers
Director General