WA Recovery: significant health investment for the South-West
- A further $38 million towards the redevelopment Bunbury Hospital
- Additional funding to help facilitate next stage of works
- State Government reaffirms commitment to care close to home for South-West residents
Country Western Australia's busiest healthcare facility, Bunbury Hospital, is set for further redevelopment following a WA Recovery Plan funding announcement from the McGowan Government.
With $22.8 million already earmarked for the project, the McGowan Government will dedicate an additional $38 million as part of its WA Recovery Plan to enable the first stage of works to progress.
The $60.8 million total investment will focus on priority clinical areas and ensure residents of the South-West have access to a contemporary facility.
The already committed $22.8 million will see a focus on service planning and development in addition to:
- construction of an additional operating theatre;
- reconfiguration of the emergency department fast track area;
- establishment of an acute medical assessment unit;
- implementation of a mental health observation area;
- procurement of clinical equipment for the intensive care unit;
- increased parking bays for the site; and
- improved Hospital in the Home and telehealth capabilities at community locations.
Preliminary work is expected to commence this year.
Comments attributed to Health Minister Roger Cook:
"Bunbury Hospital is country WA's busiest hospital servicing more than 170,000 South-West residents as well as seasonal tourists.
"It's important they have access to a facility that meets their growing needs and that's why we're dedicated to this project.
Comments attributed to Bunbury MLA Don Punch:
"Bunbury Hospital acts as a hub for health services across the South West and as the population grows, it's important that infrastructure and service capacity does too.
"Upgrading the Bunbury Regional Hospital was a key election commitment to Bunbury and it is really exciting to see it being delivered.
"The extra funding now means even more substantial works can get underway, helping support local jobs and our local economy."
Minister's office - 6552 6500