Road projects across the Great Southern taking shape and creating jobs
- South Coast Highway safety improvements have commenced, Stage 1 completed, Stage 2 underway
- Industry invited to submit proposals to design and construct Albany Ring Road
- Construction on Albany Ring Road due to commence in late 2020 and is expected to create up to 1,000 jobs
- Key McGowan Government Albany infrastructure commitments underway
A range of road projects across the Great Southern region are starting to take shape, creating local jobs and opportunities for local businesses.
Premier Mark McGowan and Transport Minister Rita Saffioti joined Albany MLA Peter Watson on South Coast Highway today, to view the $4.5 million Stage 2 works underway between Monty's Leap winery and Kalgan River Bridge.
These works, which include widening a 2.8 kilometre section of the road from seven metres to 11 metres, with a two-metre sealed shoulder in each direction, are expected to be completed in mid-2020.
These works are the second stage of a $30 million package of upgrades to South Coast Highway, a key McGowan Government election commitment, being delivered in stages.
Stage 1 works, between Killarney Road and Monty's Leap winery were completed in June 2019 and included the construction of a passing lane at Mead Road.
A third stage of works, between Bluff Creek and Kojaneerup West Road, is currently in development and will include road widening and the construction of two passing lanes.
The Albany Ring Road project has also reached a significant milestone, with three consortia, BMD Constructions Pty Ltd, CPB Contractor Pty Ltd and Decmil Southern Pty Ltd, shortlisted and invited to submit detailed design and construction proposals.
The $175 million project is a landmark investment and when complete, the 11.5 kilometres of new road will provide an alternative route for freight vehicles around the centre of Albany to the Albany Port.
It is estimated up to 1,000 jobs will be created during the construction phase.
Albany Ring Road is scheduled to begin construction in the second half of 2020, subject to relevant environmental and statutory approvals.
Other road upgrades completed, underway or planned for the Great Southern region include:
- $400,000 for a South Western Highway/Macintosh Road intersection upgrade;
- $450,000 for Denmark Mount Barker Road/East River Road intersection upgrade;
- $3.85 million for Albany Highway - Kojonup South widening;
- $20 million annual road maintenance program; and
- $720,000 Albany Highway and Martagallup Road intersection upgrade which was completed in January 2020.
Comments attributed to Premier Mark McGowan:
"My Government is committed to improving and upgrading regional roads. Not only does this improve safety for locals and create local jobs but it encourages more tourists to get outside the city and visit our regions.
"One of our key election commitments was upgrading South Coast Highway. I am pleased to see Stage 1 of the upgrades is complete and Stage 2 is now underway, supporting 44 jobs.
"The Albany Ring Road has been talked about for years and my Government is committed to delivering on these much needed upgrades.
"We expect up to 1,000 jobs will be created when the road from Albany Highway to Princess Royal Drive is under construction, providing a welcome boost to the local economy."
Comments attributed to Transport Minister Rita Saffioti:
"Local jobs and providing opportunities for local companies is a priority for the Albany Ring Road project.
"The procurement process for Albany Ring Road includes set criteria to ensure potential contractors incorporate initiatives to maximise local content as part of their proposals.
"The McGowan Government is serious about reducing crashes and saving lives on regional roads.
"That's why we've allocated $2.4 billion in the 2019-20 State Budget for much needed regional road repairs and upgrades."
Comments attributed to Albany MLA Peter Watson:
"Stages 2 and 3 of the Albany Ring Road have been talked about for over a decade - I'm pleased the McGowan Government is getting on with the job and delivering on these much needed upgrades.
"South Coast Highway is a popular road for locals and tourists alike. Once the $30 million worth of upgrades are complete, it will be safer and mean more people will be able to enjoy the delights of the Great Southern."
Premier's office - 6552 5000
Transport Minister's office - 6552 5500