Pinjarra Heavy Haulage Deviation to improve safety and create jobs
- McGowan Government has allocated $50 million to the Pinjarra Heavy Haulage Deviation
- Federal Government has committed $200 million towards the project
- Project will divert heavy haulage trucks from the centre of Pinjarra and create more than 1,500 jobs
Premier Mark McGowan and Transport Minister Rita Saffioti today inspected the location of the $250 million Pinjarra Heavy Haulage Deviation - which is set to create thousands of local jobs and divert trucks from the centre of town.
The McGowan Government has allocated $50 million to the project, with the Federal Government committing $200 million.
The project is expected to create more than 1,500 jobs and will deliver a safe, alternate route for heavy vehicles.
Currently 700 trucks pass through Pinjarra every day. The project will divert these heavy vehicles away from the town centre, improving safety and reducing congestion.
The $250 million project will include:
- a new road between South Western Highway (north) and Greenlands Road roundabout;
- improvements to the existing Pinjarra-Williams Road near the Pinjarra Heavy Haulage Deviation interchange;
- grade separation of rail and road crossings; and
- new bridges over the Murray River and Oakley Brook.
Main Roads is aware of the cultural significance attached to the area around the proposed construction, and will continue to consult with the Aboriginal community, ensuring all heritage approvals are in place before starting work.
Subject to approvals, work on the project is expected to commence in late 2024.
Comments attributed to Premier Mark McGowan:
"This major project will deliver real safety benefits for the Pinjarra community, diverting hundreds of trucks from the centre of town and reducing congestion for local people.
"The works will create more than 1,500 jobs, delivering a new road between South Western Highway and the Greenlands Road roundabout, improvements to Pinjarra-Williams Road, grade separations and new bridges over the Murray River and Oakley Brook."
Comments attributed to Transport Minister Rita Saffioti:
"Our Government is delivering millions of dollars of new roads and upgrades throughout regional Western Australia.
"The Pinjarra Heavy Haulage Deviation has been spoken about for many years, and I'm pleased we've secured $250 million to deliver Stages 1 and 2.
"Almost 700 trucks pass through the Pinjarra town site each day. This new route will remove those trucks from the main street, making it much safer for local road users and travellers."
Comments attributed to Murray-Wellington MLA Robyn Clarke:
"Pinjarra is a popular town for locals and tourists alike but many people tell me how unsafe the heavy trucks driving through the centre of town can be.
"Removing these heavy vehicles running through our town site will make it safer, less congested while creating hundreds of local jobs - a big win for our local community."
Premier's office - 6552 5000
Transport Minister's office - 6552 5500