Mitchell Freeway widening to ease journey times for commuters
- Construction to widen a well-known congestion point on Mitchell Freeway southbound underway, creating 280 local jobs
- An additional 7km lane being constructed between Cedric Street and Vincent Street
- Completion of missing shared path link from Glendalough Station to Hutton Street on track
- Upgrades to improve traffic flow and journey times for commuters
- Project paid for by redirecting funding from the flawed Perth Freight Link project
Premier Mark McGowan joined Transport Minister Rita Saffioti and local Members of Parliament David Michael and Jessica Stojkovski to view the construction upgrades to the Mitchell Freeway southbound, between Cedric and Vincent streets.
It is one of 17 'Boosting Jobs, Busting Congestion' projects launched by the McGowan Government and fully funded as part of the redirection of funds from the flawed Perth Freight Link project.
With 180,000 vehicles using Mitchell Freeway each day, a complex construction methodology has been required to ensure the same number of travelling lanes remain open during daytime hours and road users can continue to make safe journeys.
The construction focus has been on a new lane in the median between Hutton and Vincent streets, as well as earthworks, new drainage pipes, intelligent traffic management systems, electrical works including street lighting, and concrete barrier installation separating road users from the train lines.
Construction of two cyclist underpasses at the Hutton Street on and off-ramps recently commenced, with temporary ramps now in place enabling traffic flow to continue during the excavation and installation of the underpasses.
The project has made the largest single investment in the Principal Shared Path network for cyclists and pedestrians, with a 2.1km link being built between Glendalough Station and Hutton Street. There will also be two underpasses at Hutton Street and a dedicated cycling and pedestrian bridge over Scarborough Beach Road.
The $40 million project is jointly funded by the Australian ($32 million) and State ($8 million) governments, with an additional $19 million allocated for the Principal Shared Path.
Construction commenced in late 2018 and is expected to be complete by late 2019.
Comments attributed to Premier Mark McGowan:
"The Mitchell Freeway widening is part of our overall plan to transform Perth's freeways to accommodate population and economic growth into the future.
"Other projects planned include the Mitchell Freeway Extension from Hester Avenue to Romeo Road, and the Mitchell Freeway Northbound Widening from Hutton Street to Cedric Street.
"This is all part of our plan to create local jobs and bust congestion."
Comments attributed to Transport Minister Rita Saffioti:
"Everyone who travels on the freeway feels the pain as they reach the city during the morning peak.
"This project will help relieve that pressure point by providing capacity for additional vehicles on the freeway, and also improving safety by reducing stop/start conditions from lane merging.
"This project is only under construction now because of our decision to redirect funding from the flawed Perth Freight Link project."
Comments attributed to Balcatta MLA David Michael:
"The pinch point for local residents on the Mitchell Freeway between Cedric and Vincent streets is particularly bad in morning traffic.
"These upgrades will help ease congestion and make it a smoother run for commuters each day.
"Less time on our roads means more time spent with friends, family and in our local communities."
Comments attributed to Kingsley MLA Jessica Stojkovski:
"The freeway widening will make a huge difference for local Kingsley residents with less time each day being spent in traffic.
"The completion of the shared path between Glendalough Station and Hutton Street provides an alternative transport option for commuters who would rather walk or cycle.
"I'm proud to be a part of a McGowan Labor Government that is focused on creating local jobs and upgrading our important local infrastructure."
Premier's office - 6552 5000
Transport Minister's office - 6552 5500