McGowan Government's strong investment in the Kimberley continues
- Budget surplus delivers ongoing benefits to the Kimberley
- Lowest increase to household fees and charges in 13 years
- $19.3 million to upgrade Broome Senior High School
- $87.5 million to upgrade Great Northern Highway from Broome to Kununurra
- $51 million towards the Ringer Soak and Northern Minerals Access Road in Browns Range
- $1.9 million for the Fitzroy River Management Plan
- $10 million to support development in the Ord
- $42.5 million in additional funding for the Methamphetamine Action Plan, including $9.2 million to establish a comprehensive alcohol and other drug youth centre in the Kimberley
- Significant funding to address crime and youth justice issues
- $900,000 to deliver the Kimberley Juvenile Justice Strategy to find alternatives to detention and services aimed at diversion
The McGowan Government is delivering its plan for the Kimberley region, with funding in the State Budget to create local jobs and support the local economy, while delivering important community infrastructure and services.
The 2019-20 State Budget includes $4.2 billion in Royalties for Regions funding across regional Western Australia.
More than $5.6 billion will be invested in regional infrastructure over the next four years.
WA's first budget surplus in five years, delivered two years ahead of schedule, has allowed the McGowan Government to deliver the lowest increase to household fees and charges in 13 years.
The Budget includes funding for important, job-creating infrastructure and programs in the Kimberley, including:
- $51 million towards the Ringer Soak and Northern Minerals Access Road in Browns Range;
- $87.5 million to upgrade Great Northern Highway from Broome to Kununurra;
- $19.3 million to upgrade Broome Senior High School;
- $42.7 million to upgrade Tanami Road;
- $1.9 million for the Fitzroy River Management Plan;
- $10 million to support development in the Ord;
- $5.9 million to purchase a new harbour crane to improve operational efficiency and safety at Broome Port;
- $1 million for the Dampier Peninsula project;
- $1.4 million for planning to build a new Broome Regional Prison, located outside of the town;
- $12 million State-wide injection to Tourism Western Australia to expand promotion of WA overseas;
- $131.5 million of additional State-wide expenditure to support agriculture in WA, grow export markets and create long-term jobs including $39.6 million for the Boosting Biosecurity Defences, Asian Market Success and Grains Research and Development support programs (in addition to $45 million for Grains Research and Development in the 2018-19 Budget);
- $182.4 million of State-wide funding for a new Employer Incentive Scheme and training delivery, including $45 million for regional WA. The scheme will help WA employers with the costs of employing apprentices and trainees; and
- $24.1 million in ongoing State-wide funding for the 'WA Open for Business' program to promote export opportunities for regional businesses.
The McGowan Government is investing in programs to address crime and youth justice issues in the Kimberley. The Budget includes:
- $900,000 to deliver the Kimberley Juvenile Justice Strategy to find alternatives to detention and services aimed at diversion;
- $42.5 million in additional State-wide funding for the Methamphetamine Action Plan, including:
- $20.1 million for the North West Drug and Alcohol Support Program to reduce the harm caused by alcohol and other drugs in the Kimberley, Pilbara and Mid-West;
- $9.2 million towards the development of a comprehensive alcohol and other drug youth service in the Kimberley - fulfilling an election commitment;
- $2.34 million for four low medical withdrawal beds in the Kimberley;
- $914,000 to increase training for Aboriginal staff in AOD services.
- $6.5 million for the Aboriginal Community Connectors program to improve community safety, and reduce community consequences of alcohol and other drugs and related 'at risk' behaviours;
- $2 million for a new PCYC in Kununurra;
- $1.3 million for the West Kimberley Youth and Resilience Hub Project;
- $1.1 million for Kimberley Family Violence Service to continue to assist in responding to family and domestic violence;
- $34.6 million for the roll-out of personal issue mobile smart tablets for police officers across the State; and
- $15.4 million towards the roll-out of personal issue multi-threat body armour to frontline police officers across the State.
The McGowan Government is committed to delivering community services to people across regional WA, including in the Kimberley region. The Budget includes:
- $1 million for the Kimberley Mobile Dialysis Unit;
- $280,000 for the Jawun Partnership Agreement;
- $5 million for Indigenous Land Use Agreements as part of Plan for Our Parks;
- $4.8 million for enhanced driver training and education for regional and remote communities
- $2.3 million package to combat elder abuse, including continued funding for the WA Elder Abuse Helpline
- Investing an additional $713,000 to maintain regional bus services;
- $19.9 million for the Regional Arts and Cultural Investment program;
- $8.1 million for the Suicide Prevention Strategy; and
- The introduction of the new Regional Taxi Transition Fund.
The McGowan Government is delivering its Plan for the Kimberley and progressing its election commitments. Initiatives that are already underway in the region include:
- $21.5 million to continue delivery of Regional Youth Justice Services in the Kimberley and Pilbara;
- $1.9 million over two years to expand the Ear Bus Program in the Kimberley;
- $9.7 million in funding to upgrade boating facilities at Entrance Point and Town Beach;
- $22.4 million for the Kimberley Schools Project;
- $5.2 million for operation of the Aboriginal short stay accommodation facility in Broome and $3.4 million for the operation of the Indigenous Visitor Hostel in Derby;
- $43.6 million towards improvements of the Gibb River Road;
- $18.7 million State-wide for the Aboriginal Rangers Program to provide jobs looking after State parks and protected areas;
- $65.7 million to continue work on upgrades to Broome-Cape Leveque Road;
- $4 million to complete the sealing of Bidyadanga road;
- $1 million to complete planning for a new boat harbour in Broome;
- $8.6 million towards replacing ageing Volunteer Fire Stations in regional locations, including Halls Creek;
- $16.7 million for new swimming pools in remote communities;
- $65 million across regional WA to continue to support Community Resource Centres; and
- $170.5 million across regional WA to continue the Country Age Pension Fuel Card and $5.1 million for the Volunteer Fuel Card.
For more 2019-20 State Budget information, visit http://www.ourstatebudget.wa.gov.au
Comments attributed to Premier Mark McGowan:
"The McGowan Government is continuing its strong investment in the Kimberley, to create jobs and provide local families with the services they need.
"The Budget includes significant funding to address crime and youth justice issues in the region, including $42.5 million in additional funding for the Methamphetamine Action Plan
"Since coming to Government in 2017, we have worked hard to bring the Budget back under control while delivering important improvements to vital services like health and education across regional WA.
"We will continue to implement our plans for the Kimberley to support job creation, grow the local economy and support families in the region."
Comments attributed to Regional Development Minister Alannah MacTiernan:
"Our Government sees the extraordinary potential of the Kimberley in tourism, agriculture and Aboriginal business development, and this Budget continues our investment in driving job opportunities in the region.
"We are getting on with delivering our Plan for the Fitzroy, with a $1.9 million funding allocation to finalise a management plan to protect the Fitzroy River and provide a basis for sustainable economic development.
"Funding for the Dampier Peninsula project will ensure Aboriginal residents on the peninsula receive real benefits from sealing the Broome-Cape Leveque Road."
Premier's office - 6552 5000
Regional Development Minister's office - 6552 6200