METRONET boom gate blitz planned for Armadale Line
- Oats Street and Wharf Street election commitments to be delivered as part of a broader inner Armadale Line Level Crossing Removal Program
- $17.5 million for planning and detailed design work in the 2019-20 State Budget
- Removals aimed at reducing congestion hotspots, improving safety and creating jobs
- Projects to create new community connections across Armadale Line suburbs, with boom gates currently down for up to 7.5 hours a day
- New opportunities to create vibrant new METRONET precincts around train stations
The McGowan Government is preparing for a boom gate blitz to remove up to seven dangerous level crossings along the Armadale Line.
In 2017, the McGowan Government was elected with a commitment to remove three level crossings on the Armadale Line - Oats Street, Wharf Street and Denny Avenue.
A tender for removal of the first level crossing at Denny Avenue in Kelmscott is about to be released, with construction to get underway later this year.
The METRONET team has been undertaking preliminary planning for the removal of the Oats Street and Wharf Street level crossings. This work identified that the removal of all the level crossings on the inner Armadale Line, from Victoria Park to Beckenham, could be considered to get the best planning and public transport solution.
This would involve the removal of six level crossings, between Mint Street in East Victoria Park through to William Street in Beckenham.
The removal of these six inner Armadale Line crossings will have major community benefits and will become increasingly necessary as train frequencies increase in future with the completion of the Thornlie-Cockburn Link and extension of the line to Byford.
The additional level crossings identified in the Armadale Line 'boom gate blitz' have more frequent closures than others on the network - closing up to 280 times a day.
This currently results in the boom gates being closed for up to 7.5 hours a day, however, the situation will worsen with the addition of more services as part of METRONET.
The McGowan Government has used preliminary work to successfully make the case to secure $207.5 million in Commonwealth funding for the removal of three level crossings at Oats Street in Carlisle, Welshpool Road in Welshpool and Mint Street in East Victoria Park.
A total of $415 million has been allocated in the upcoming State Budget, with $207.5 million over the next four years.
The METRONET team will spend $17.5 million in 2019-20 preparing detailed designs and business cases for the projects.
Comments attributed to Premier Mark McGowan:
"The Armadale Line has been a physical barrier between suburbs like Victoria Park, Carlisle, Beckenham and Welshpool for over a century.
"Every motorist in the eastern suburbs is familiar with the dreaded ring of the boom gate bells and the often painful wait, particularly during peak hour, as several trains go past.
"My Government's work has put this visionary METRONET project on the map and allowed us to successfully secure Commonwealth funding for the project."
Comments attributed to Transport Minister Rita Saffioti:
"The removal of all six level crossings between Beckenham to Victoria Park would be the biggest change to the Armadale Line since it was electrified in 1991.
"It encourages public transport use, while motorists no longer have to wait for several minutes during peak - or worse, consider taking a risk to beat the boom gates.
"The funding of this broader level crossing removal program will give us the opportunity - based on visionary planning and robust business cases - to deliver more imaginative and ambitious solutions to these issues with broader community benefit, instead of ad hoc and piecemeal fixes.
"It also reflects the fact that use of the Armadale Line is set to increase, with the Thornlie-Cockburn Link and Byford extension.
"These METRONET plans will have the potential to deliver better suburban connectivity and new opportunities for vibrant community precincts around upgraded train stations."
Premier's office - 6552 5000
Transport Minister's office - 6552 5500