Joint media statement - Upgrades to remove notorious Karel Avenue bottleneck now complete
The $28.7 million Karel Avenue Upgrade is now complete, removing a notorious bottleneck and congestion hotspot used by nearly 20,000 motorists daily.
The upgrade will help ease congestion and improve safety along the route, which has seen more than 250 crashes recorded between January 2014 and December 2018, with about 60 per cent being rear-end crashes.
The project has widened Karel Avenue to four lanes to create a dual carriageway, and delivered a dual carriageway bridge over Roe Highway.
The project has also removed the notorious Farrington Road bottleneck where two lanes previously merged into one, causing significant congestion for local traffic.
Works also included widening and lengthening the bridge over the freight railway lines to accommodate track duplication for the METRONET Thornlie-Cockburn Link, as well as constructing new Principal Shared Paths from Berrigan Drive to Farrington Road.
The project was delivered by Georgiou Group, supporting over 200 jobs.
This project was jointly funded by the Australian and Western Australian governments, with contributions from Jandakot Airport and the City of Cockburn.
Quotes attributable to WA Premier, the Hon Mark McGowan MLA:
"Our Government is committed to busting congestion and improving safety on our roads, meaning less time in the car and more time spent with family and friends.
"We have a major program of works underway or planned for our southern suburbs that will enhance safety, improve travel times and support local jobs.
"The Karel Avenue project has also completed enabling works for the METRONET Thornlie-Cockburn Link, another project that will provide more options for commuters and those travelling in the southern suburbs on a daily basis."
Quotes attributable to Federal Minister for Communications, Urban Infrastructure, Cities and the Arts, the Hon Paul Fletcher MP:
"The Morrison Government is getting on with delivering infrastructure projects that improve congestion and safety for commuters across Australia, making it easier for them to move around our capital cities and ensuring they get home quickly and safely.
"This is just the latest example of us delivering on our commitment to progress critical projects under our record $110 billion, 10-year infrastructure investment pipeline, which is helping to drive Australia's world-leading economic recovery."
Quotes attributable to WA Transport Minister, the Hon Rita Saffioti MLA:
"We have almost $3 billion worth of major road and rail infrastructure projects underway across Western Australia.
"Upgrades to Karel Avenue will improve safety and ease congestion for the 20,000 vehicles that use this key road daily.
"We are delivering a major program of works across our southern suburbs with work continuing on the North Lake Road and Armadale Road Bridge in Cockburn, High Street in Fremantle and the METRONET Thornlie-Cockburn Link."
Quotes attributable to Federal Member for Tangney, the Hon Ben Morton MP:
"I'm proud to see the end result of this impressive project, which has already significantly improved traffic flow and safety for all road users who would have previously experienced bottlenecks in the area, particularly south of Farrington Road.
"Road users will benefit from safer access into the surrounding residential, light industrial and Jandakot Airport precincts as well as a better connection with Roe Highway and the Kwinana Freeway."
Premier's office - 6552 5000
WA Transport Minister's office - 6552 5500