Joint media statement - Expressions of interest called for Albany Ring Road

The Albany Ring Road has reached a major milestone with expressions of interest from industry being sought for the design and construction of a new 11.5 kilometre road from Albany Highway to Princess Royal Drive.
  • Expressions of interest called for construction of Albany Ring Road
  • Local jobs a key focus for project construction
  • $175 million project is jointly-funded by the Australian and WA governments

The Albany Ring Road has reached a major milestone with expressions of interest from industry being sought for the design and construction of a new 11.5 kilometre road from Albany Highway to Princess Royal Drive.

The $175 million project will provide a more efficient and safer route for heavy vehicles accessing the port, supporting the growing economy and future development of the Great Southern Region.

The proposed road alignment runs parallel to the east of Link Road and north of the freight rail line and Lower Denmark Road with connections to:

  • Albany Highway/Menang Drive (grade separated interchange)
  • South Coast Highway (grade separated interchange)
  • Cuming Road (at grade connection)
  • Roundhay Street (connecting Charles Street and Old Elleker Road)
  • Hanrahan Road/Frenchman Bay Road (grade separated interchange over road and rail)

Albany Ring Road is scheduled to begin construction late-2020, subject to environmental and heritage approvals being obtained from relevant federal and WA regulatory authorities.

Albany Ring Road is jointly funded by the Australian ($140 million) and WA ($35 million) governments.

More information on the procurement process is available at


Comments attributed to Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack:

"Albany Ring Road began in 2007 with the construction of the Menang Drive connection between Chester Pass Road and Albany Highway.

"Our commitment to now progress stages two and three of this project - from Albany Highway to Princess Royal Drive - will help to relieve pressure on Albany's existing road network, separating local traffic from regional and heavy vehicles, which will in turn support economic activity.

"In the longer term, Albany's population is forecast to grow so it's important we ensure the transport infrastructure is in place to support this growth and facilitate economic opportunities into the future.

"This investment forms part of the Federal Liberal and Nationals Government's record $100 billion pipeline of infrastructure projects getting people to where they need to be sooner and safer."

Comments attributed to Western Australian Transport Minister Rita Saffioti:

"Albany Ring Road will provide employment and business opportunities for local workers and businesses in Albany and the Great Southern Region.

"As with all transport infrastructure projects we will also be actively seeking opportunities for both Aboriginal employment and engagement of Aboriginal businesses.

"This is another key McGowan Government election commitment and I'm looking forward to seeing the project get underway."

Comments attributed to Member for O'Connor Rick Wilson:


"With Albany's population expected to grow, the Albany Ring Road project will future-proof the region's road network.

"The project will ensure Albany's road infrastructure continues to meet the needs of the community and local economy, both now and into the future.

"In addition to creating local jobs, this project is an investment in the road safety of the region and I am very pleased to see the next stages move closer to construction."

Comments attributed to Albany MLA Peter Watson:

"This project will reduce the potential for safety issues on the urban road network, removing current conflict points on routes to Albany Port, so it's really pleasing to see it move a step closer to construction.

"Helping secure the future of the Port of Albany by providing an unimpeded, high standard route to the only viable port option along this section of the south coast is a great outcome.

"This project will help create local jobs and create more opportunities for local Great Southern businesses."

Minister's office - 6552 5500
