Interest sought for Aboriginal Ranger Program
- Expressions of interest (EOI) now open for the Aboriginal Ranger Program
- $4 million available in 2017-18 for Aboriginal organisations
The McGowan Labor Government is encouraging Aboriginal organisations to apply for funding under the Aboriginal Ranger Program.
The State Budget included an investment of $20 million over five years for the program.
The program will build on the highly successful work already being undertaken by established Aboriginal ranger groups throughout the State and has been designed to focus on jobs, training and community development initiatives that deliver social, economic and environmental outcomes.
Funding will enable the employment and training of Aboriginal rangers to undertake land and sea management, including tourism operations and protection of cultural and biodiversity values across a range of tenures in remote and regional Western Australia.
The EOI is open today (September 21) and closes on October 31, 2017. Application forms and guidelines are available from the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions website at http://www.dbca.wa.gov.au/aboriginalrangerprogram
Comments attributed to Environment Minister Stephen Dawson:
"The ranger program is great news for the environment and great news for the economic and social resilience of remote and regional Aboriginal communities.
"The program has been co-designed with Aboriginal groups and industry, and we are now seeking interest from those who want to participate in the program.
"This program will generate more jobs and training for our indigenous youth, provide the opportunity to develop a career in land and sea management and create long-term cultural, conservation and tourism opportunities."
Comments attributed to Aboriginal Affairs Minister Ben Wyatt:
"We have included in the State Budget, real initiatives that provide on-ground, positive outcomes for our regional and remote communities to ensure they have the short-term and long-term capacity to provide brighter futures for our young Aboriginal people.
"We will continue to work collaboratively with traditional owner groups, Aboriginal corporations and representative bodies to deliver this program quickly and effectively throughout WA."
Environment Minister's office - 6552 5800
Aboriginal Affairs Minister's office - 6552 5900