Direct Perth to Derby flights closer to reinstatement

Direct flights between Perth and Derby, which have not operated since 2016, are a step closer to taking off once more.
  • McGowan Government delivering election commitment for subsidised trial
  • Tender released today seeks proposals from airlines to operate service
  • $1 million allocated in last Budget towards a 12-month trial 

Direct flights between Perth and Derby, which have not operated since 2016, are a step closer to taking off once more.

The State Government has today invited airlines to submit proposals to operate regulated regular public transport air services between Perth and Derby through a competitive tender process.

Following a key election commitment, the McGowan Government will provide funding for a trial of air services between Perth and Derby.

The McGowan Government's financial assistance for the trial aims to assist the successful airline to build demand on the Perth-Derby route, with the expectation the airline will continue operations on a long-term commercial basis after the trial.

Since 2016 there have been no air services between Perth to Derby, following the decline in activities from the resources sector which adversely impacted the viability of the previous air services in the region.

Submissions for the tender close on October 12, 2018, with the successful airline expected to be announced in early 2019. For more information on the tender, visit the Tenders WA website.

Comments attributed to Transport Minister Rita Saffioti:

"We have listened to the regional community in the Kimberley and are delivering on our election commitment to conduct a trial on the Derby air route.

"The McGowan Government is willing to provide financial assistance to an airline committed to operating the route, to help kickstart the service.

"We expect that after the initial government support, the airline will be able to continue operating a commercially viable air route into the future."

Comments attributed to Kimberley MLA Josie Farrer:

"The McGowan Government has been investing and expanding air services in the Kimberley.

"This opportunity for a Derby air route will add to the three existing intraregional flights in the Kimberley - including Balgo, Kalumburu and Halls Creek - which are supported by the State Government.

"All of these services provide better access to aviation services for communities in the region, ensuring connections to healthcare and commercial services in the Kimberley."

Minister's office - 6552 5500
