Construction taking shape at Wanneroo Road congestion hotspot
- New bridge being built at Wanneroo Road and Ocean Reef Road intersection
- 185 crashes occurred at the intersection over the past five years
- One of several new projects transforming Perth's northern suburbs
- Key McGowan Government election commitment being delivered
- Project paid for by redirecting funding from the flawed Perth Freight Link project
Construction is off to a great start on the Wanneroo Road and Ocean Reef Road interchange, with progress now visible across a number of the site's work zones.
The project is one of several underway to ease congestion in Perth's busy northern suburbs.
It is one of 17 'Boosting Jobs, Busting Congestion' projects launched by the McGowan Government and fully funded as part of the redirection of funds from the flawed Perth Freight Link project.
Earthworks in the north-east corner are underway for the bridge's north-east loop ramp, which will be one of two loops with traffic signals connecting Wanneroo Road and Ocean Reef Road.
A new access road to Cockman House is almost complete, with only surfacing and kerbs to go. A U-turn facility is also near completion within the median on Wanneroo Road north of Villanova Street, which will improve safety and reduce the risk of right-angle crashes.
Other activities on site have included demolitions, clearing of shoulders and median strips, service relocations, and establishment of traffic management.
Construction of the bridge foundations and substructure will begin in November, enabled by traffic being switched to a temporary roundabout and roads.
Historically, the intersection has been one of the most congested in the metropolitan area. It is also the 11th worst intersection for crashes, with 185 crashes occurring between 2014 and 2018.
The $64.8 million project is jointly funded by the Australian ($51.84 million) and State ($12.96 million) governments.
Construction commenced in March 2019 with completion expected in late 2020.
Comments attributed to Premier Mark McGowan:
"The project is one of three transformational upgrades for Wanneroo Road to relieve congestion in Perth's rapidly expanding northern suburbs.
"Other projects include the recently completed widening of Wanneroo Road between Joondalup Drive and Flynn Drive, and the Wanneroo Road and Joondalup Drive interchange, which is also currently under construction.
"The McGowan Government is working hard to ease congestion in Perth's busy northern suburbs, with a number of important road upgrades underway. Perth's north will undergo a significant transformation in coming years, with construction on the Yanchep Rail Extension getting underway later this year as part of METRONET."
Comments attributed to Transport Minister Rita Saffioti:
"Increasing levels of congestion and demands on the intersection are creating driver frustration and the potential for poor driver behaviour.
"Funding for this project has provided an opportunity to reduce current congestion by removing traffic signals and grade separating the roads using a bridge.
"This is a project we took to the last election and was able to fast track by redirecting the funding that would have been used to build the flawed Perth Freight Link.
"This project is only happening now because of that decision, whereas the Liberals didn't believe this new intersection was required for at least another decade."
Comments attributed to Wanneroo MLA Sabine Winton:
"People in Wanneroo and surrounding suburbs know all too well the frustrations created by congestion around this intersection.
"The McGowan Government's important upgrades to Wanneroo Road will improve travel times and is an important component of our plans to transform the northern suburbs.
"I have had great feedback from local residents while out doorknocking the area. Local residents are really happy that we are delivering this really important election commitment in Wanneroo."
Comments attributed to Kingsley MLA Jessica Stojkovski:
"This was a key election commitment that we've worked hard to deliver. It's great to see it taking shape.
"This will make a huge difference to motorists in my electorate, by better connecting them to work and social activities, improving safety and reducing travel times."
Premier's office - 6552 5000
Transport Minister's office - 6552 5500