Affordable community airfares encouraging more people to the regions

Discount community fares on regulated air routes have resulted in more people visiting regional Western Australian hotspots including Monkey Mia and Carnarvon.
  • Affordable community airfares result in more people visiting regional Western Australia boosting jobs and the local economy
  • Passengers on Monkey Mia route increased 55 per cent since introduction of community airfares
  • Albany and Esperance air routes had record breaking increases in passengers since July 2018
  • $4.6 billion spent by visitors in regional Western Australia between March 2018 to March 2019

Discount community fares on regulated air routes have resulted in more people visiting regional Western Australian hotspots including Monkey Mia and Carnarvon.

Since the McGowan Government and Rex introduced regulated airfares in July 2018, passenger numbers on the Monkey Mia air route have increased 55 per cent over 12 months, while Carnarvon had a 20 per cent boost in passengers, compared to the previous year.

The Albany and Esperance air routes experienced record breaking increases in passenger numbers since July last year, with nearly 61,500 for Albany and almost 51,000 passengers for Esperance.

Community fares introduced by Skippers Aviation on the Northern Goldfields routes are also proving popular with almost 1,500 community fares purchased across all five towns since they were introduced in September 2018.

Tourism WA figures show an increase in visitor numbers to key areas in regional WA.

From March 2018 to March 2019, visitors to the Golden Outback (which includes Esperance) increased by 3.9 per cent, visitors to the South West (which includes Albany) increased by 14 per cent and visitors to the Coral Coast (which includes Carnarvon and Monkey Mia) increased by 5.7 per cent.

The community fares, now available on all regulated air routes in WA, are subject to seat availability and fare rules via each airline.

Comments attributed to Tourism Minister Paul Papalia:

"We're thrilled to see the great uptake of these lower cost airfares. The affordability is an extra incentive for people to discover unique experiences in different parts of our State such as seeing the famous friendly dolphins of Monkey Mia, walking along the pure-white sand of Esperance's Lucky Bay at Esperance, or prospecting in the historic Goldfields.

"In the year ending March 2019, $4.6 billion was spent by visitors in regional WA. Initiatives such as the lower-cost fares help boost this number and strengthen the regional tourism industry.

"The McGowan Government is committed to working with airlines and industry to make it more affordable for people to travel to regional WA.

"It is a key part of our Two-Year Action Plan for tourism and it's working."

Comments attributed to Transport Minister Rita Saffioti:

"Lower community fares offered on regulated routes across WA are encouraging people to purchase a ticket and visit our regions. 

"Passenger numbers on the Monkey Mia air route have grown substantially since July last year, with a combination of discounted airfares, increased air services and upgrades to the airport helping improve accessibility to the destination.

"Carnarvon has also seen a boost with 22,000 passengers using the air service since the introduction of community fares, which is a significant boost for the Gascoyne region.

"We are continuing to help facilitate lower airfares in regional WA and progressing the airfare inquiry recommendations, with the main focus being the unregulated routes in WA."

Tourism Minister's office - 6552 5600

Transport Minister's office - 6552 5500
