Aboriginal Ranger Program Round 3 applications open
- $4 million available for Aboriginal organisations to train and employ rangers
The McGowan Government is providing $4 million in the latest round of funding for the $20million Aboriginal Ranger Program that is creating jobs and training opportunities across Western Australia.
Expressions of interest for the third round of the Aboriginal Ranger Program are now open. Almost $16 million has already been invested in 25 projects across the State over the first two rounds of funding.
Under the program, new and existing Aboriginal organisations can employ and train rangers to carry out land and sea management and tourism activities across a range of tenures in remote and regional WA.
Funded projects are creating pathways for Aboriginal people to develop careers in land and sea management while also providing long-term cultural and conservation outcomes.
The existing 25 projects have included biodiversity monitoring and research, traditional knowledge transfer, fire management, cultural site management, feral animal and weed management.
Other examples of the projects have involved cultural awareness and immersion experiences for visitors, guided welcome to country tours for visitors, management of visitors or tourists and tourism assets, and education programs and mentoring. Details on existing programs can be found at https://www.dbca.wa.gov.au/sites/default/files/2019-09/Map%20of%20round%20two%20recipients.pdf
Expressions of interest can be submitted to the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, and are open until March 27, 2020. An expression of interest application form and the Aboriginal Ranger Program guidelines are available at http://www.dbca.wa.gov.au/aboriginalrangerprogram
Comments attributed to Environment Minister Stephen Dawson:
"The McGowan Government has already invested almost $16 million under the first two rounds of the Aboriginal Ranger Program. This has resulted in the employment of 189 rangers, more than half of whom are women.
"Valuable work has already been undertaken by successful applicants under the previous two rounds, with rangers being trained in fire management, cultural site management and biodiversity monitoring and research."
Comments attributed to Aboriginal Affairs Minister Ben Wyatt:
"Through this significant investment, we are delivering on our promise to create jobs for Aboriginal people, helping to increase resilience, improve community wellbeing and build leadership.
"The funding delivered under the program is already having positive social, cultural, economic and environmental outcomes. I encourage more groups to apply for funding in Round 3 so they can build on the growing number of Aboriginal groups and rangers managing country."
Environment Minister's office - 6552 5800
Aboriginal Affairs Minister's office - 6552 5900