$10 million to accelerate hydrogen fuelled transport

The McGowan Government is calling for transport operators, equipment manufacturers and hydrogen producers to team up and submit an Expression of Interest for its Hydrogen Fuelled Transport Program.
  • McGowan Government to invest an initial $10 million for Hydrogen Fuelled Transport Program
  • Program to accelerate uptake of hydrogen fuelled transport and stimulate local production of renewable hydrogen
  • Expression of Interest now open for industry projects

The McGowan Government is calling for transport operators, equipment manufacturers and hydrogen producers to team up and submit an Expression of Interest for its Hydrogen Fuelled Transport Program.

The program will provide financial support to a project that includes the procurement and operation of hydrogen or green ammonia fuelled transport, and the installation of one or more refuelling stations.

EOI applicants who are shortlisted will be invited to submit a more detailed project plan. Successful applicants from the EOI process will be announced in 2022.

Transport is one of four strategic focus areas outlined in the Western Australian Renewable Hydrogen Strategy, which identifies commercial vehicles as an early opportunity to harness hydrogen energy for mobility and freight transport.

The program is part of the $61.5 million included in the 2021-22 State Budget to drive renewable hydrogen development and will create offtake opportunities to ramp up local production.

The McGowan Government has committed around $90 million to support the development of the renewable hydrogen industry in Western Australia, and is on track to meet the 2022 goals set out in the Western Australian Renewable Hydrogen Strategy.

For more information on the Hydrogen Fuelled Transport Program, visit https://www.wa.gov.au

Comments attributed to Hydrogen Industry Minister Alannah MacTiernan:

"With shorter refuelling times and the ability to travel longer ranges and carry more weight, hydrogen vehicles present a big zero-emissions transport option for Western Australia.

"With the hydrogen transport industry still in an early phase, we are putting this investment on the table to accelerate hydrogen fuelled transport like trucks and busses, and boost the rollout of hydrogen refuelling infrastructure. 

"By testing market appetite with a flexible funding program, the Hydrogen Fuelled Transport Program is helping put Western Australia ahead of the pack in clean fuel transport.

 "The development of a hydrogen fuelled transport system supports the McGowan Government's commitment to transition Western Australia to net zero emissions by 2050, and the creation of new sustainable jobs in a growing industry.


Minister's office - 6552 6200  
