William Street traffic bridge to make way for foreshore vision

16/7/03 The William Street traffic bridge will be removed to open the city's foreshore to public access and new riverfront facilities.

The William Street traffic bridge will be removed to open the city's foreshore to public access and new riverfront facilities.
Planning and Infrastructure Minister Alannah MacTiernan said the State Government had created the opportunity to achieve a decades long vision for Perth, with a decision to improve the alignment of its fast, direct Perth to Mandurah railway.
"Removal of the bridge will end a major physical and visual barrier between the city and the Swan River foreshore," Ms MacTiernan said.
"It will create magnificent river views south along William Street and from the Convention Centre.
"The Esplanade station will bring 10,000 people each day into its new location at the northern end of the existing traffic bridge, providing them access to the Busport, Convention Centre and city offices, as well as to the foreshore.
"The new station will provide superb public transport access to major riverfront events such as the Skyshow and Perth Festival entertainment.
"This decision will also allow roads west of William Street to be relocated further north, away from the river, freeing up more than five hectares of useable foreshore land."
Ms MacTiernan said when the bridge was demolished in the first half of next year, it would be replaced with a traffic light-controlled intersection at William Street and Riverside Drive.
Detailed traffic modelling and analysis of long-term traffic scenarios had found that an acceptable level of service could be achieved in peak periods.
The intersection's performance would be reviewed 12 months after the railway began operation in late 2006.
The Minister said the $1.3million cost of demolishing the bridge would be met by changes to the project including:

  • leaving uncovered a 135m section of the tunnel within the Freeway interchange, to allow natural ventilation;
  • a slight reduction in the length of the rail alignment; and
  • using natural light and ventilation in the relocated Esplanade Station.
She said the project was part of the Government's drive to provide an accessible, safe and efficient public transport system.
Minister's Office - 9213 6400
