Rail options excite strong response

25/3/02 Western Australians are responding enthusiastically to the opportunity to have a say on options for the route through central Perth for the faster direct rail link to Mandurah.

Western Australians are responding enthusiastically to the opportunity to have a say on options for the route through central Perth for the faster direct rail link to Mandurah.
Planning and Infrastructure Minister Alannah MacTiernan said that more than 1,000 people had already made comments or submissions in writing, by phone or through e-mail.
Ms MacTiernan urged people to make sure they understood the two routes developed by the Perth City Rail Advisory Committee (PCRAC).
"E-mails to my office are about equally divided in their preferences, but responses suggest some people are still unclear about issues such as the proposed locations of stations, or whether the railway will be underground or elevated," she said.
"Maps showing the proposed routes are available on the Internet, at shopping centre displays in Mandurah, Rockingham and Thompson's Lake and on pamphlets being distributed at Perth City Station and the Busport.
"This evening there will be a forum for professional organisations with an interest in city planning and on Tuesday morning there will be a breakfast forum for city businesses.
"These will give key interest groups a chance to put their views forward.
"However, I encourage all interested Western Australians to comment as the decision will have a significant impact on our State capital's city centre.
The two options are:

  • the western option continues along the Freeway and approaches Central Station from the west, through the Entertainment Centre Car Park, with a station on Elder Street, opposite Parliament House between Murray and Hay Streets; and
  • the central option turns right before the Freeway interchange and goes underground, past the Convention Centre, turning up William Street, with a station at the Esplanade near the Busport and another between Wellington and Murray Streets.
Maps of the options, a copy of the full PCRAC report and an e-mail response form are on the Internet at http://www.transport.wa.gov.au (See link 'Proposed Perth Rail Route' at bottom of the Home page).
Comments can also be
  • e-mailed to routeoptions@planning.wa.gov.au,
  • faxed to 9264 7566, or
  • mailed to PO Box 8125, Perth Business Centre, Perth, WA Government Railways Commission 6849.
Written comments should be received by noon, Wednesday, April 3.
Minister's office: 9213 6400
